"AGB Crelorio e.U.: Transparent Terms and Conditions for a Trusted Collaboration"
Welcome to Crelorio e.U.! We are delighted that you are interested in our services. As a reputable and customer-oriented company, we place great emphasis on transparent terms and conditions, forming the foundation for a trusted collaboration with our clients. In this comprehensive article, we would like to introduce you to our General Terms and Conditions (GTC), which govern the legal framework and contractual terms.
The AGB Crelorio e.U. is an essential instrument to safeguard the interests of both the company and our clients. Within our terms and conditions, you will find clear and understandable information on topics such as liability disclaimers, data protection provisions, the right of withdrawal, paymentTerms of Payment, delivery terms and much more. Our AGB has been carefully developed to provide you with a solid basis for a secure and satisfactory collaboration with Crelorio e.U.
A central component of our AGB is data protection. We take the protection of your personal data very seriously and strictly adhere to all applicable data protection regulations. In our Privacy Policy, you will learn about the information we collect, how we use it, and how we safeguard your privacy.
Furthermore, our AGB also governs topics such as intellectual property and liability limitations. We want to ensure that your rights and our intellectual property are equally protected. Moreover, we set clear liability limitations to avoid possible misunderstandings and legal ambiguities.
To make our customer relationships transparent and fair, we have also defined order conditions, contract periods, and termination conditions in our AGB. We aim to ensure that you, as a customer, know exactly what to expect and which conditions apply to collaborate with us.
Should you have any questions about our AGB or require further information, our customer service and legal department are at your disposal. It is essential to us that you have all the necessary information to make an informed decision and feel well taken care of at Crelorio e.U.
We strongly recommend that you carefully read our AGB before using our services or placing an order. By accepting our AGB, you automatically agree to the conditions contained therein.
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our AGB Crelorio e.U. We look forward to welcoming you as our valued customer and commencing a successful collaboration!
Crelorio e.U.
Tel.: +43 670 2063969
Mail: email@crelorio.com
Website www.crelorio.com
1. Scope
1.1 The following "General Terms and Conditions" (GTC) apply in the version valid on the day of the order and/or order confirmation for all contracts between Crelorio e.U. and their customers. Deviating agreements must be in writing. By placing an order and/or order confirmation, the customer agrees to these GTC and is bound by them.
1.2 General terms and conditions of the customer, of whatever kind, are not part of the contract, unless because that Crelorio e.U. agrees expressly and in writing to the validity of these General Terms and Conditions. The execution of an order does not constitute acceptance of deviating provisions.
1.3 Should individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions be or become ineffective in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining contractual provisions. Such an ineffective provision is deemed to be replaced by one that comes as close as possible to the economic purpose of the ineffective provision. The same applies in the event that there is a loophole. Individual provisions of the customer's general terms and conditions do not become part of the contract in such cases either.
1.4 The terms and conditions are also part of additional services and future contracts, even if they are not expressly agreed again. The General Terms and Conditions can be accessed freely on the Internet at any time. The client recognizes the terms and conditions of Crelorio e.U. at. Conflicting contractual terms of the client will not become part of the contract even if Crelorio e.U. not expressly contradicted in individual cases.
1.5 In addition to these GTC, the offer and the order confirmation represent an integral part of the contract. The following ranking applies:
- Confirmation of the order
- Offer
- Conditions
– Auftragsbestätigung
– Angebot
1.6 Contract amendments and additions as well as other essential declarations must be made in writing in order to be effective. This also applies to deviating from the hereby agreed written requirement. Statements made by e-mail are also considered “in writing” within the meaning of these General Terms and Conditions.
1.7 Crelorio e.U. can generally assume that employees of the customer are entitled to place further orders on behalf of the customer.
1.8 Should the customer contact a third party via Crelorio e.U. have ordered services or have ordered them as an additional service, this establishes separate contractual relationships with the respective cooperation partners of Crelorio e.U. Such contractual relationships are subject to the conditions defined in the order and the effectively included terms and conditions of the respective partner. Such contracts end regardless of the contractual relationship between Crelorio e.U. and the customer.
1.9 The customer is obliged to notify any changes to his business address immediately until the contract has been completely and mutually fulfilled by both parties.
1.10 The application of Sections 9 and 10 of the E-Commerce Act (ECG) is excluded.
1.11 Insofar as trade clauses are used, the provisions of the Incoterms 2010 in the currently valid version apply to their interpretation, unless otherwise agreed.
1.12 A contract avoidance due to error is excluded.
1.13 Texts, information, prices etc. from the customer information are subject to changes and errors. All prices, unless otherwise stated, are in euros.
2. Conclusion of contract
2.1 Crelorio e.U. reserves the right to change the content of the respective range of services at any time.
2.2 All offers of Crelorio e.U. (Brochures, catalogues, price lists, web shop...) are non-binding and should be understood as an invitation to the customer to make an offer himself.
2.3 The contract comes into effect when Crelorio e.U. accepts the order. either by sending an order confirmation via e-mail or directly by sending the ordered goods.
2.4 The following applies to services: A contract is only concluded when Crelorio e.U. confirmed an order by email. A contract is considered confirmed by the customer if: the customer has confirmed an offer with a "Services" document by email, or has signed and returned it, or if a down payment has been made in the agreed amount.
2.5 The pdf document “Services” defines the Crelorio e.U. services to be provided. After the order has been placed, desired changes in the type and scope of the described service will be carried out by us, if reasonable, and justify them if necessary. a proportionate price increase.
2.6 If costs increase before the order is executed, the customer will be informed in good time. Only in this case is the customer granted the right to withdraw from an existing contract between him and Crelorio e.U. to resign.
2.7 All ancillary costs associated with this contract shall be borne by the customer.
2.8 Documentation, technical drawings, cost estimates, designs, photos, texts/lyrics, music, videos and other documents that may also be part of the offer always remain the intellectual property of Crelorio e.U., as do samples, catalogues, brochures, illustrations and the like. Any exploitation, duplication, reproduction, distribution and transfer to third parties, publication and presentation may only take place with express written consent. The customer is obliged to take appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized third parties from accessing this data. In the event of a breach of this obligation, the customer is liable to Crelorio e.U. for any resulting damage.
2.9 In the case of electronically concluded contracts, the following applies: Crelorio e.U. stored for internal purposes only. It is not possible to provide the customer with the content of the contract again after the contract has been concluded. The customer must save or keep the text of the contract himself.
2.10 The customer accepts the terms of delivery and payment when placing the order and confirms when placing an order with Crelorio e.U. his contractual age and majority.
2.11 In the event of writing, printing and calculation errors on the website, Crelorio e.U. entitled to withdraw.
2.12 Crelorio e.U. reserves the right not to deliver orders without giving a reason. In this case, the customer will be informed immediately and payments made will be refunded immediately.
3. Right of Withdrawal
The detailed conditions for revocations can be found under point 33.
4. Terms of Payment, Maturity and Default
Unless otherwise agreed, invoices are due immediately upon receipt of the invoice free of deductions and charges. This means that the purchase price is due immediately when the order is placed, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
4.1 After order confirmation and with the start of work, an advance payment of 50 percent of the order amount can be calculated if the order value exceeds 1,500 euros. A partial or down payment made before invoicing obliges Crelorio e.U. not at the beginning of the service and does not justify a claim for the start of the service.
4.2 If the customer's creditworthiness is assessed as unsatisfactory by the usual credit agencies, Crelorio e.U. ask for the full amount in advance.
4.3 Partial services and/or partial deliveries can be invoiced separately. The total amount / remaining contribution is due at the latest after completion of the work.
4.4 The customer is not entitled to withhold payments due to alleged warranty or other claims, also in the form of liability or security deposits.
4.5 If the customer is in arrears with an agreed payment or other service, Crelorio e.U. postpone the fulfillment of their own services until the outstanding payments or other services have been settled, make the entire outstanding claim due immediately and charge default interest of 9.2 percentage points above the base rate from the due date in accordance with § 456 UGB, and at your discretion on the occasion of added to the outstanding capital at the end of a quarter. The same applies if a deferral is agreed. The default interest shown is due regardless of whether the customer is responsible for the default in payment. A further claim for damages remains unaffected.
4.6 Each reminder will be charged with an additional 10 euros.
4.7 Dunning and operating costs arising from the delay are to be borne by the customer and Crelorio e.U. entitled to add the adult collection or legal costs to the capital.
4.8 In the event of default, Crelorio e.U. entitled to withdraw from the contract and to claim damages for non-performance.
4.9 If a payment method has been agreed in the care that does not correspond to the annual payment method, Crelorio e.U. in the event of default entitled to demand the entire annual fee.
4.10 The customer is also responsible for charges that other persons, authorized or unauthorized, cause via his identifiers. In this context, the customer undertakes to store his personal identifiers and access data carefully and protected from access and to protect them from misuse and loss. He represents Crelorio e.U. from costs and claims arising from the violation of the above obligations.
4.11 Crelorio e.U. reserves the right to increase the fees at the beginning of a new billing period. Changed fees will be communicated to the customer at least six weeks before they come into effect. Increases in fees result in an off-duty right of termination with a notice period of two weeks. Increases in fees known at the time the order is placed do not require separate notification and do not constitute a special right of termination.
4.12 If the customer is in arrears with the payment of a not inconsiderable part of the remuneration for two consecutive invoices or with an amount that corresponds to a monthly fee in a period longer than two months, Crelorio e.U. terminate the contractual relationship for good cause without observing a notice period.
4.13 Against claims by Crelorio e.U. the customer can only offset undisputed or legally established counterclaims. The customer is only entitled to assert a right of retention or a right to refuse performance due to counterclaims that are undisputed or have been finally established.
5. Loss of Appointment
5.1 Deadlines are lost if the customer is more than two weeks in arrears with even a partial payment or is more than seven days in arrears with the issuance of agreed bills of exchange or the signing of loan documents required for financing.
5.2 The entire remaining claim is due if the customer's assets are unsuccessfully executed, foreclosure or forced administration of real estate is approved, or if the creditworthiness is otherwise reduced and the fulfillment of his obligations is jeopardized.
5.3 Loss of appointment entitles Crelorio e.U. to withdraw from the contract and the customer is liable for all resulting damage.
6. Retention of title and copyright
Delivered goods remain the property of Crelorio e.U. until all claims against the customer have been settled in full.
6.1 Delivered goods and spare parts remain the sole property of Crelorio e.U. until all of the customer’s financial obligations have been settled (purchase price, wages, reminder fees, etc.). and is Crelorio e.U. entitled to indicate this retention of title at the expense of the customer. The removal of such a label is not permitted and will cause the entire outstanding claim to become due.
6.2 While the retention of title is in effect, a sale, pledging, transfer by way of security or other transfer to third parties is only permitted with the express written consent of Crelorio e.U. allowed.
6.3 During this period, the customer must ensure adequate insurance of the reserved property against all conceivable risks at his own expense and the insurance policy in favor of Crelorio e.U. to transfer. The customer is also obliged to keep the goods in good condition and to have necessary repairs carried out immediately by Crelorio e.U. or one of Crelorio e.U. to be carried out by a recognized workshop.
6.4 The dismantling of the goods subject to retention of title does not remove the retention of title and it remains attached to the individual parts.
6.5 In the case of replaced or new parts, ownership only passes with that of the main item.
6.6 Services and all associated rights also remain the property of Crelorio e.U. until full payment has been made. If the customer is in default with his payment obligation, Crelorio e.U. entitled, without setting a grace period, to block or prohibit access, use or publication of the relevant offer until payment has been received.
6.7 The following applies specifically to websites and web design:
Crelorio e.U. remains the sole owner of the rights to scripts, programs, etc. created even after the customer has provided the service. The provider grants the customer the exclusive right to use the website. The granting of the rights of use only becomes effective when the customer has paid the owed remuneration in full to Crelorio e.U. has paid. The right of use only applies to the use of the website as a whole or parts of the website on the Internet. The customer is not entitled to use individual design elements of the website or the entire website in any other form - especially in printed form.
6.7.1 The customer grants Crelorio e.U. the right to use the logo and contact details of Crelorio e.U. in the imprint or in the footer of the customer's websites and to link them to each other and the website.
6.7.2 The customer will accept all protective notices such as copyright notices and other legal reservations unchanged. This applies in particular to the references to the originator in the program code
6.7.3 Crelorio e.U. reserves the right to use services such as designs and objects, even if they are based on customer templates, for presentation purposes, in particular to include the customer's website in a reference list for advertising purposes and to set appropriate links.
6.8 Especially for photography by Crelorio Stroblinsky, hereinafter correctly Crelorio e.U. or referred to as contractor, the following applies:
6.8.1 Crelorio e.U. is entitled to the exclusive copyright to all photos produced within the scope of the respective order. Copyrights are not transferable under copyright law. The contractor will have the photographer transfer the exclusive right of use for all types of use, whether known or unknown.
6.8.2 The contractor transfers a simple right to use the photos to the client. This only includes private, non-commercial use. Any change, further processing (e.g. by photo composing, montage or by electronic aids, this also applies to Instagram color filters or similar, to create a new copyrighted work) of the photos supplied requires the express approval of the contractor. The same applies to the transfer of rights of use to third parties, which the client is generally not permitted to do. This means, for example, if the celebration location would like to be provided with photos of its premises for use on its website, social media platforms or print advertising. The release of the recordings is to be remunerated accordingly. This is to be agreed separately between the contracting parties.
6.8.3 Subsequent commercial/commercial use of the photographic works - in whatever form - by the client himself or by third parties can only be carried out with the prior written consent of the contractor. This also applies to image files that have been digitally or otherwise altered or alienated by the client or third parties.
6.8.4 The rights of use to be transferred are only transferred after full payment of the agreed fee in the form of a USB stick, digital downloads or as agreed.
6.8.5 Does Crelorio e.U. permission to use the photos, Crelorio e.U. demand to be named as the author of the photograph. Does Crelorio e.U. of this right, the violation of the right to be named Crelorio e.U. for damages.
6.8.6 The client will only receive edited high-resolution image material in the format offered. The submission of unedited, digital raw data (RAW) is excluded. The storage of the digital image data is not part of the order. The storage is therefore without guarantee. The minimum number is determined by the confirmation of the offer.
6.8.7 The client receives from Crelorio e.U. all pre-selected photos are optimized and processed (e.g. adjustment: color, contrast, color look, image editing, etc.) (images can also be specially edited and retouched on request for a fee).
6.8.8 Crelorio e.U. may use the photos in the context of self-promotion and journalistic illustration (e.g. for exhibitions, trade fairs, homepage, blog, specialist magazines for photography or weddings, etc.)
6.8.9 Individual deviations from the rights of use and copyrights and special conditions for persons of contemporary history must be agreed in writing.
6.9 Especially for design products, paintings, constructions of all kinds or engineering art and works of art by Crelorio Stroblinsky, hereinafter correctly Crelorio e.U. called, the following applies
6.9.1 Crelorio e.U. is entitled to affix his stage name, name, company wording and/or logo in a restrained but recognizable size to each work. If an omission is agreed, the name must be mentioned under “artist” or “creator” or “producer” in any imprint that may be attached; this also applies to corporate design work with the designation “corporate design” for a period of three years after termination of work. If proposals contain patentable elements, Crelorio e.U. authorized person.
6.9.2 The application of the provisions of the Copyright Act (UrhG) to the commissioned work(s) and the interim work results is deemed to have been agreed. The cooperation of the client, which is necessary for a good result, does not justify a joint copyright.
6.9.3 Insofar as between the client and Crelorio e.U. nothing different has been agreed, Crelorio e.U. grants the customer a right to use the work (exclusive right of use). Any programming services are excluded from this.
6.9.4 Crelorio e.U. However, it is permitted to use his works for the purpose of public relations. Only in exceptional cases such as illustrations etc. can a license for use be granted, which is granted by Crelorio e.U. can then be assigned multiple times. In this case, the following points must be applied accordingly.
6.9.5 With full payment of the total fee, the customer acquires the exclusive right of use to the works created in fulfillment of the order in the version supplied, for the agreed purpose and scope of use. Either an unrestricted right of use or a right of use limited in terms of time, space or a specific application can be agreed as the scope of use. If no agreements have been made about the purpose and scope of use, the minimum scope required to fulfill the order applies.
6.9.6 The client is obliged to ensure that the contractual services are only used for the intended purpose and only to the agreed extent. Any other or further use requires the approval of Crelorio e.U.
6.9.7 Any change, processing or imitation of the works made available for use is not permitted unless the right to processing has been granted in writing and for a fee.
6.9.8 The rights granted to the customer (or their customers in the case of agencies), the user advertiser, may only be granted with the express consent of Crelorio e.U. passed on to third parties for a fee or free of charge.
6.9.9 The customer does not acquire ownership of the drafts, elaborations and computer data. In the case of individual legal succession, all rights and obligations are transferred to the legal successor, but only in the case between Crelorio e.U. and customers of Crelorio e.U. agreed scope. Any extension of use by the legal successor requires the consent of Crelorio e.U.
6.9.10 If the client wishes to continue using the developed or designed concepts, ideas or works after the fulfillment of the order, withdrawal or termination of a framework or support contract, this requires the granting of the unrestricted right of use; if these are to be changed, updated or used as a basis for further developments by third parties or the customer, the right to processing by third parties is also granted. If the client wishes the computer data to be handed over, this requires an additional agreement.
Remuneration according to §§ 1004, 1152 ABGB. When the presentation is carried out, a presentation order is deemed to have been issued, accepted and fulfilled.
7. Image editing, video editing, music editing (editing)
The client assures that he is entitled to Crelorio e.U. to commission the electronic processing of third-party files if he issues such an order. The client assures that he has all necessary rights to the material made available (files, photos, music, video, etc.). He represents Crelorio e.U. from all third-party claims based on the violation of these obligations.
8. Software Licensing
8.1 Software products are purchased as a single license or in accordance with the license management program. "Licence management" is a licensing method that allows a certain number (up to the number of licenses purchased and for which payment has been made) of software to be used simultaneously on one or more data processing devices.
8.2 All software products are made available to the customer on the basis of a personal, non-exclusive and non-transferable license for use solely by the customer himself. The customer's software license is activated when the package (shrinkwrap software) is opened.
8.3 Any software product may be copied for archival and backup purposes, or to replace a defective or used copy, or where permitted under license management. All copyright notices and other references to industrial property rights must remain on every copy. The software product may not be reverse engineered, reverse engineered, or dissolved.
8.4 Each license terminates automatically if the customer fails to meet its obligations to pay the license fee, relinquishes ownership of the software or system, or software products without the prior written consent of Crelorio e.U. makes accessible to outside third parties.
8.5 The license terms of the respective software product apply in detail.
9. Non-Disclosure Agreement
9.1 Preamble
Crelorio e.U. has developed a business model in the field (engineering, design, process optimization, art, music, photography, etc.). To market this business model, Crelorio e.U. a collaboration with the partner to develop a brand and sales strategy for the business model. For this purpose, Crelorio e.U. present his business model to the partner and disclose confidential information, data and documents.
9.2 Confidentiality Obligation
The partner undertakes to keep all information, data and documents between him and Crelorio e.U. exchanged in the course of the planned cooperation must be treated as strictly confidential and not passed on to third parties and/or made accessible. Confidential information includes in particular but not exclusively:
- Business ideas from Crelorio e.U.
- Nature of the services
- Conditions
- Competitive situation
- Contracts and parts of contracts
- Contractors
In cases in which the contractual partners pass on information that is otherwise subject to confidentiality to third parties - in particular employees or consultants - for the purpose of fulfilling the common objective, they are obliged to conclude identical non-disclosure agreements with them.
The confidentiality obligation does not apply to information, data and documents that were already publicly known or generally accessible independently of the presentation or thereafter without the cooperation or fault of the partner, regardless of the presentation by third parties in a legal manner and without restriction in terms of confidentiality or use have been made known.
9.3 Duration of Agreement
The confidentiality agreement applies to the entire period of discussions about possible cooperation and for the entire period of cooperation.
After the talks or cooperation have ended, this agreement will be valid for a further two years. The later event is decisive for the beginning of the period.
9.4 Penalty
In the event of a violation of the confidentiality obligation according to point 9.2, the contracting parties agree on a contractual penalty of EUR 30,000. The right of the party in breach of contract to demand further damage remains unaffected. In case of release of a similar product during the cooperation, a contract sum due to market loss will be calculated individually.
9.5 Return of Documents
The contractual partner undertakes to keep all within the framework of the cooperation with Crelorio e.U. to return received records, files, documents and information upon request and to destroy or delete all copies made (including electronic copies on hard drives and other data carriers).
9.6 Final Provisions
This confidentiality agreement is subject to Austrian law.
For all disputes arising out of or in connection with this agreement, the contracting parties agree that the competent court in Eisenstadt shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
Any changes and/or additions to this non-disclosure agreement must be made in writing.
10. Attribution and Sample Receipt
10.1 Crelorio e.U. is entitled to affix the name or pseudonym, company name or logo to any work/product designed by him as well as advertising material for it or publications about it in accordance with § 20 UrhG. The form and duration of the labeling can be agreed with the client.
10.2 Crelorio e.U. In any case, according to § 26 UrhG, the right remains to use images of the works/products designed by him for the purpose of self-promotion (promotion) in printed form or to make them available on the worldwide Internet for this purpose.
10.3 In the case of three-dimensional objects, Crelorio e.U. Claim for Crelorio e.U. free provision of photographs of the objects that were created with the help of Crelorio e.U. were produced, as well as the delivery of a specimen copy, insofar as the latter is not associated with disproportionately high costs. For printing works, Crelorio e.U. Right to at least five copies of Crelorio e.U. designed works.
11. Compensation for presentations
11.1 All services provided by Crelorio e.U. are carried out for a fee, only the creation of service, time and cost plans required for the submission of the offer is free of charge.
11.2 The client's invitation to create a presentation with preliminary drafts is considered an order to provide a defined service content. The amount of the presentation fee is freely negotiable and, unless otherwise agreed, includes half of a standard design fee as appropriate remuneration in accordance with §§ 1004, 1152 ABGB. When the presentation is carried out, a presentation order is deemed to have been issued, accepted and fulfilled.
11.3 If the client of a presentation competition does not award any or only a significantly reduced order to Crelorio e.U. or a presentation competitor, Crelorio e.U. the full design fee instead of the reduced presentation fee.
11.4 The presentation fee does not include the granting of rights of use. The content and suggestions of a presentation are protected by copyright. If an order does not come about (case of rejection), Crelorio e.U. to secrecy in accordance with the non-disclosure agreement.
12. Policies for Services
12.1 Services
Crelorio e.U. renders services for the client which have been previously specified in writing.
12.2 Ordering Other Services
In addition, other services can be commissioned by the client. Crelorio e.U. has the right to refuse the provision of such additional services at any time. Crelorio e.U. can refuse the provision in particular if the provision of the service for Crelorio e.U. is unreasonable or if the client with payments to Crelorio e.U. is in arrears.
12.3 Billing for Services
Unless otherwise agreed, commissioned services will be invoiced after they have been carried out, but no later than 6 months after they have been commissioned. Down payments are invoiced at the start of the service and are also valid as an order confirmation. Exceptions are commissioned services as part of a project price: these are included in the project invoice and are due for payment, regardless of whether the service has already taken place or not
13. Training courses
13.1 Venue
It is possible to commission on-site training. Unless otherwise agreed, training courses will be held online via video conference.
13.2 Cancellation and Partial Cancellation
Unless otherwise agreed, the full agreed remuneration is due even if the event is only partially attended
13.3 Cancellation and postponement by the participant
In exceptional cases, confirmed training dates can be postponed by the customer up to one week before the start of the course.
With the postponement, a new appointment must be made within a period of three months. Payment is still due at the start of the original training session. In the event of cancellation within the period of 14 to 7 days before the start of the training, cancellation costs of 50% of the course price will be charged. After this period, the full course fee is due. Only written cancellations / postponements are valid.
13.4 Replacement for Incapacitated Participants
After prior information, the customer can send another participant instead of a participant who is unable to attend.
14. Working Day, hourly rate, travel expenses and appointment cancellations
14.1 Business Day
A working day for consulting or commissioning comprises 8 working hours.
14.2 Hourly Rate
Unless otherwise agreed, the actual hourly rate of Crelorio e.U. at
€ 190.00 without VAT.
14.3 Billing
Unless otherwise agreed or a flat rate has been agreed, Crelorio e.U. on an hourly basis, billed in minutes.
14.4 Travel Expenses
The following travel allowances are charged for arrival and departure by car from Crelorio e.U. based on the one-way distance to the nearest Crelorio e.U. office calculated:
0 to 50km: €25 | 51 to 150 km; €100 | more than 150 km: 180 €
If you arrive by train or plane or if you need to stay overnight, the costs and expenses actually incurred will be charged (against receipt). The client has no right to choose a specific means of transport for arrival and departure or to choose a specific hotel for the night. 2. Other costs incurred as a result of the order such as parking fees, toll and motorway fees, postage and packaging are not included in the fee and are borne by the client.
14.5 Cancellation of Appointments for Services
14.5.1 If there is no notification or if a cancellation is not made in due time up to 3 days before the start of the order, a cancellation fee of 100% of the agreed basic fee is due. Non-appearance / failure to attend the appointment / booking / event will be charged at 100%. Vouchers expire with it. Crelorio e.U. reserves the right to charge higher compensation in individual cases, in accordance with Crelorio e.U. to calculate the costs incurred, which are specifically quantified and documented for the customer/participant.
14.5.2 Exceptions to this are a serious illness of the client or death in the family, which lead to the cancellation of the wedding/ceremonies. A review / proof of the situation is at the discretion of Crelorio e.U.
14.5.3 Cancellations are only valid in written form by e-mail to: email@crelorio.com
14.5.4 In principle, the customer can nominate a substitute participant, provided that the substitute participant meets the necessary participation requirements. (transfer of the voucher)
15. Cooperation partners
15.1 Crelorio e.U. is entitled to have the order carried out (in whole or in part) by expert employees or commercial or freelance cooperation partners.
15.2 Should Crelorio e.U. act as an intermediary for the client, e.g. with hosting, the customer will receive the corresponding documents and access from the cooperation partner.
15.3 No separate consent or information is required to change cooperation partners or service providers, provided the customer does not suffer any disadvantages as a result.
15.4 In some cases, Crelorio e.U. to existing ideas, templates, gimmicks etc. from partners, the customer expressly agrees to this.
16. Terms of Delivery and Shipping
16.1 Subject of the contract: Crelorio e.U. provides the client with the contracted services and offered goods and services according to www.crelorio.com
16.2 Unless otherwise agreed, goods are delivered from stock to the delivery address specified by the customer.
16.3 Delivery is at the risk of the buyer. The transfer of risk to the buyer takes place when the goods are ready for dispatch. Deliveries must be checked immediately for completeness and damage.
16.4 Information about the delivery period is non-binding unless the delivery date has been promised as an exception. Should Crelorio e.U. - for example due to the unavailability of the goods - cannot accept an order, the customer will be informed immediately.
16.5 Delivery will be made to the address specified by the customer. In the event of incorrect, incomplete or unclear information provided by the customer, he shall bear all the costs incurred as a result.
16.6 The goods are delivered using standard shipping methods (preferably DPD or Post). For works of art, the shipping costs can vary greatly. Shipping can either be done by agreement with the customer or by Crelorio e.U. be appropriately defined. The delivery costs will be announced to the customer before shipment.
16.7 Unless otherwise agreed, the installation of software products is not included in the price. Crelorio e.U. offers paid installation or implementation services
16.8 Delivery time for Services
16.8.1 Delivery dates require agreement. The delivery time is interrupted by the customer for the duration of the examination of drafts, demos, text versions etc. The interruption is calculated from the day the customer was informed until the day his statement was received. If, after the order has been placed, the customer requests changes to the order which affect the production time, the delivery time will be extended accordingly.
16.8.2 Crelorio e.U. endeavors to fulfill the customer's order as quickly as possible. Crelorio e.U. is not responsible for any loss incurred by the customer due to any delay in the fulfillment of the order. Even with bindingly agreed deadlines, Crelorio e.U. a delay in the provision of services due to force majeure and events Crelorio e.U. make the service significantly more difficult or impossible, not responsible. Crelorio e.U. is then entitled to postpone the service for the duration of the hindrance plus a reasonable start-up time.
16.8.3 In the event of a delay in delivery, the client is in any case only entitled to exercise the rights to which he is legally entitled after setting a reasonable grace period of at least two weeks.
16.8.4 The delivery time begins only after all documents required for the execution of the order have been made available in full. A late submission extends the delivery time
16.8.5 Delays in performance in the event of force majeure and events that Crelorio e.U. make the service significantly more difficult or impossible (malfunctions and strikes, etc.), regardless of whether these occur in our own company or at third parties, are possible.
17. Prices & Billing
17.1 In principle, the purchase price for the ordered goods is deemed to be agreed, which can be found in the current brochures, catalogues, price lists, web shop and similar publications from Crelorio e.U. results. All prices are given in euros.
17.2 Unless otherwise stated, all prices are gross daily prices including statutory sales tax and excluding all expenses incurred with shipping.
17.3 Should export or import duties become due in the course of shipping, these are also at the expense of the customer. The prices for the deliveries and services offered do not include costs charged by third parties.
17.4 Sales to customers outside the EU are not subject to sales tax, but they must pay the respective national import duties. In the case of sales to entrepreneurs within the EC, no Austrian sales tax is due with proof of the UID, they have to pay the sales tax in their home country
17.5 The customer generally receives per order from Crelorio e.U. a fee invoice, if necessary several, according to different due dates. Each invoice is a clear and serious request for payment. All payment obligations are to be settled within 7 days. After the 7 days have expired, there is a delay without the need for a further statement or similar from Crelorio e.U., in particular a further reminder. If a customer is in default, Crelorio e.U. right to default interest. In the event of objections to the correctness and amount of the invoiced claims, the customer must submit his objections in writing within one week of the invoice date, otherwise the invoice is deemed to be accepted in terms of reason and amount.
18. Corrections, acceptance, liability for defects and warranty
18.1 The statutory warranty period applies as the warranty period. It begins on the day the goods are delivered to the customer.
18.2 All defects must be reported in writing. Obvious defects must be reported no later than 14 days after receipt of the delivery. The customer must inspect the goods/work performance immediately after acceptance in accordance with §§ 377, 378 UGB. Recognizable defects must be reported immediately on the delivery note, the receipt or the bill of lading or, if an immediate inspection is not possible, within 14 days by e-mail or registered mail.
18.3 In the event of a notice of defects, the customer must send us the item complained of with a description of the fault that is as precise as possible, a copy of the invoice and in the original packaging. The original packaging must not be used as shipping packaging.
18.4 If the obligation to give notice of defects no longer applies, warranty claims, claims for damages due to the defect and errors about the freedom from defects can no longer be asserted
18.5 Warranty claims must be asserted in court within 6 months of handover.
18.6 If transport damage is suspected or the goods are missing, the shipping packaging must be kept for inspection by an expert.
18.7 The customer disposes of the goods/the work immediately after acceptance in accordance with §§ 377 ff. BGB
18.8 The customer is responsible for proving the existence of the defect at the time of handover, the presumption rule of § 924 ABGB is excluded.
18.9 In the event of a defect, Crelorio e,U may, at its own discretion - repair the goods/work on the spot, - have the defective goods/defect work or the defective parts sent back for repair, - replace the defective parts or replace the defective goods/defective work. The return to Crelorio e.U. takes place at the expense and risk of the customer. Claims for conversion or price reduction are excluded.
18.10 The replaced goods or parts become the sole property of Crelorio e.U. above.
18.11 Crelorio e.U. carried only with express written consent.
18.12 For parts of the goods Crelorio e.U. itself obtained from third parties, Crelorio e.U. only within the framework of the warranty claims to which he is entitled against the third party.
18.13 The warranty expires if the customer arbitrarily changes the subject matter of the contract by installing and converting parts or has it changed by third parties.
18.14 Unless otherwise stated below, further claims by the customer - regardless of the legal grounds - are excluded. Crelorio e.U. is therefore not liable for damage that has not occurred to the delivery item itself; Crelorio e.U. not for lost profits or other financial losses of the customer. As far as the liability of Crelorio e.U. excluded or limited, this also applies to the personal liability of employees, representatives and vicarious agents.
18.15 The above limitation of liability does not apply if the damage was caused intentionally or through gross negligence or if there was personal injury. It also does not apply if the customer asserts claims under the Product Liability Act.
18.16 If Crelorio e.U. negligently violates an essential contractual obligation, the obligation to compensate for property damage is limited to the damage that typically occurs.
18.17 Acceptance takes place via the electronic approval form (Excel file from Creloiro e.U., which is returned to Crelorio e.U. as a pdf in the customer’s email attachment) or in writing with the customer’s signature. The customer hereby confirms that filling in the date and entering the name in the Creloiro release form and the subsequent return of this document as a pdf file is equivalent to an official signature.
18.18 If no detailed written complaint is received within a period of 14 days after delivery of the project results, the delivered project results are deemed to have been accepted or released. Holiday periods do not interrupt these regulations. They must be announced in good time by both parties. A lead time of two weeks is deemed to be on time. Any complaints must be made immediately after receipt of the work results.
18.19 Estimated working hours are provided by Crelorio e.U. to the best of its knowledge and based on experience. Nevertheless, Crelorio e.U. cannot guarantee that in the individual areas the service can be provided 100% within the estimated time plus 15%.
18.20 In some cases, the number of changes is limited and indicated in the products. If the customer exceeds this and there are associated costs or similar, Crelorio e.U. inform and coordinate with the client in advance.
18.21 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, warranty claims generally become time-barred after 24 months from completion. Crelorio e.U. is entitled to make improvements at its own discretion if defects in the delivery are known. If reasonable for the client, also several times.
18.22 If the client independently changes the services, such as source texts of the website, constructions by Crelorio e.U., etc., any warranty claim or liability claim for the Crelorio e.U. performance.
18.23 Crelorio e.U. guarantees that, for example, a Crelorio e.U. The website produced essentially corresponds to the specifications of the concept. However, no liability is assumed for deviations that arise due to technical circumstances and inconsistent standards, since the display on different output media varies. Such deviations can result in particular from the screen resolution, monitor size, color settings of the respective system, different HTML versions, browser settings, WebTV, WAP, etc. In this respect, the documents on which the concept is based, such as illustrations, graphics, drawings, etc. are only approximately relevant.
Crelorio e.U. does not guarantee that certain successes or results can be achieved through the use of the website.
18.24 The test votes and exams are carried out by Crelorio e.U. created on a monitor with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 (mostly used desktop PCs) and on mobile devices with a resolution of 360×640 / 375×667 (mobile devices such as iPhones with a 4.7" display). Any improvements are made to these resolutions. The functionalities in browsers are tested in the current versions of Modzilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.
18.25 Specifically for software and digital products:
18.25.1 Crelorio e.U. warrants that Crelorio e.U. software products created and/or distributed will substantially meet published specifications for a period of 60 days from the time of installation, provided they are used in accordance with the Agreement. The exclusive claim of the customer and Crelorio e.U. sole liability under this warranty is that Crelorio e.U. makes reasonable efforts to eliminate any error in the software products in such a way that they essentially correspond to the aforementioned specifications. Crelorio e.U. DOES NOT WARRANT THAT USE OF THE SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, OR THAT ANY DEFECTS CAN BE CORRECTED
18.25.2 Crelorio e.U. assumes no liability and hereby expressly excludes warranty and other claims for software products or their performance that have been copied, changed or altered by the customer or to which third parties, not Crelorio e.U., have industrial property rights. Any warranty or liability is excluded for software products from third-party providers, in particular for standard software
18.25.3 The above warranty provisions are final and replace all other warranties or representations to the extent permitted by law. Any liability of Crelorio e.U. for damages and in particular for lost profits, is excluded. Crelorio e.U. expressly disclaims any warranty or liability for merchantability and makes no warranty or liability that the software products are fit for any particular purpose.
18.25.4 Crelorio e.U. warrants that Crelorio e.U. websites and web designs created for the agreed support period (usually 30 or 60 days), counted from the time of publication, essentially fulfill the previously made agreements, provided they are used in accordance with the contract. A support period is always defined for the flat-rate packages. If no maintenance contract is concluded, the customer is responsible for the maintenance and functioning of the website after this support period has expired and Crelorio e.U. In this case, no longer accepts any liability or guarantee.
19. Damages and consequential damages
19.1 The customer is only entitled to claims for damages if Crelorio e.U. gross negligence or intent, this restriction does not apply to personal injury.
19.2 Compensation for consequential damages and lost profits is excluded. In any case, the customer has the occurrence of the damage, the amount of the damage and a fault on the part of Crelorio e.U. to prove.
19.3 Instructions for use handed over, in particular maintenance regulations and operating instructions, must be observed and, in case of doubt, the customer has the opinion of Crelorio e.U. to catch up Crelorio e.U. not, nor for unauthorized changes to the subject matter of the contract.
19.4 If a product is manufactured on the basis of the customer's design specifications, the liability of Crelorio e.U. not on the correctness of the design, but on the fact that the execution was carried out according to the customer's specifications. The warning obligation of § 1168a ABGB is excluded.
Limitation of Liability, Product Liability and Passing of Risk
20.1 In general, Crelorio e.U. with respect to Products supplied pursuant to these Terms, whether in contract, tort or any other legal basis, that the warranty is provided in accordance with Clause 18. Under no circumstances shall Crelorio e.U. to the customer for other, indirect, consequential or consequential damages resulting from the loss of data, use or loss of profits or for claims in connection with errors in software products or documentation. The exclusions and limitations of liability do not apply in the event of gross negligence or intentional acts by Crelorio e.U.
20.2 The right of recourse according to § 12 PHG is hereby expressly excluded. If claims are made against the customer by a third party on the basis of the PHG, no claims for recourse against Crelorio e.
20.3 The customer is obliged to fully inform those persons to whom he enables the use of the subject matter of the contract or to whom he resells it about all operating instructions, safety regulations and warnings of operational hazards and to transfer this obligation to his customers.
20.4 If the customer does not fulfill his obligations according to point 19.3, he undertakes Crelorio e.U. to be held harmless and harmless.
20.5 Crelorio e.U. not. For more complex products, always refer to the instructions for use. If this is not followed, Crelorio e.U. no liability.
20.6 The contractor is only liable for damage or loss (despite multiple security measures) of the digital data in the event of intent and gross negligence.
20.7 The contractor is not liable for damage, defects or loss caused by subcontractors or suppliers who provide their services on their own account.
20.8 In the case of reproductions, repeat orders and enlargements, there may be differences in color compared to the original or the original images. Differences in color can also occur in photographic prints and prints of any kind created from a digital file. This is not a defect in the work and a complaint is not justified as a result.
20.9 The organization and allocation of bookings to Crelorio e.U., as well as the execution, is carried out with the greatest care. However, if due to circumstances that Crelorio e.U. is not responsible (e.g. sudden illness, traffic accident, environmental influences, traffic disruptions, etc.) nobody shows up for the agreed appointments or arrives too late, no liability can be assumed for any resulting damage or consequences.
20.10 It is recommended that you take out liability and accident insurance for yourself. For accidents of any kind, Crelorio e.U. no liability. Liability is also excluded in the event that the services cannot take place or have to be interrupted during the agreed appointment due to external influences or force majeure.
20.11 Crelorio e.U. assumes no clarification of the rights of persons or objects depicted, unless a correspondingly signed release form is presented to the client. Crelorio e.U. the customer only provides such objects and templates that he is entitled to use and that are free of third-party rights.
20.12 The client assures that he will participate in all Crelorio e.U. has the right of reproduction and distribution for the submitted templates and, in the case of portraits of people, the consent of the people depicted for publication, reproduction and distribution. Claims for compensation by third parties based on the violation of this obligation shall be borne by the customer.
20.13 The client must indemnify the image author against third-party claims for compensation resulting from the violation of this obligation.
20.14 The client declares that with regard to Crelorio e.U. to create recordings of objects, images or image components handed over, or models you have brought yourself, the clarification of all possible rights for Crelorio e.U. has and Crelorio e.U. in this respect from third-party claims.
20.15 The customer is responsible for acquiring rights of use that go beyond copyright and obtaining publication permits from collections, museums, etc.
21. Complaints
21.1 Notification of defects by the client must be made in writing by e-mail to email@creloiro.com after receipt of the goods and must be received by Crelorio e.U. no later than 5 working days (Mon. - Fri.) after delivery. After expiry of this period, pictures shall be deemed to have been accepted in accordance with the contract and free of defects.
21.2 Crelorio e.U. will, at its own discretion, repair or replace the contractual products or parts thereof free of charge that become unusable or whose usability has been significantly impaired due to a circumstance within the warranty period, in particular due to the lack of guaranteed properties, poor design or manufacture.
21.3 Defective image material is fully to Crelorio e.U. to send back. The customer bears the costs for the return.
21.4 If there is no timely notification of defects, subsequent improvements of any kind are excluded. When the image data is handed over to the client, the photographer's obligation to retain it expires. An archiving of data by Crelorio e.U. requires a separate agreement.
21.5 Delivery dates are only binding if they are expressly stated by Crelorio e.U. have been confirmed. The contractor is only liable for exceeding the deadline in the case of intent and gross negligence.
22. Right of retention
§§ 369 ff UGB apply.
23. Quotation
23.1 Cost estimates and other services and expenses necessary for their preparation (e.g. travel and dismantling work) are payable and not included in the price.
23.2 From Crelorio e.U. Prepared cost estimates are generally non-binding unless they are expressly designated as binding.
23.3 Should additional work become necessary in the course of fulfilling the contract, the non-binding cost estimate may be exceeded by up to 20% without the customer having a right of withdrawal in accordance with Section 1170a Paragraph 2 ABGB.
24. Prohibition of offsetting and assignment
24.1 The customer only has a right to offset in view of Crelorio e.U. Counterclaims expressly recognized in writing for or against such claims for which the customer has a legally binding legal title against Crelorio e.U. has obtained.
24.2 The customer may make claims against Crelorio e.U. only be assigned to third parties with express written consent.
25. Bankruptcy of Customer
25.1 In the event that insolvency proceedings are opened against the customer's assets, Crelorio e.U. Irrespective of the other agreements made (e.g. order confirmation, terms of payment), we are entitled, at our discretion, to make the provision of services dependent on advance payment or a guarantee of the agreed fee.
25.2 A required security must be provided in the form of cash or an abstract bank guarantee. A required advance payment or security is to be paid within 8 days, otherwise the customer is in default and Crelorio e.U. is entitled to withdraw from the contract without setting a further grace period. The customer bears the costs of the advance payment or security.
26. Special Terms and Conditions Web Design and Websites
26.1 Third Party Rights, Data Security and Content
26.1.1 The customer provides Creloiro e.U. from all claims of third parties with regard to the data provided. Crelorio e.U. assumes no liability for the content of the materials provided, it is assumed that the client will carefully check the materials provided for their correctness.
26.1.2 The client is obliged to provide Crelorio e.U. The data provided must respect the copyright and the rights of third parties and he must have permission for the publication and/or modification of this data. The customer is obliged to make backup copies of all data that he sends to us - regardless of the form. Crelorio e.U. is not liable for the loss or alteration of the data. Use of the services of Crelorio e.U. for legally inadmissible contents the customer is forbidden. Due to the tight price calculation, it is not possible for us to carry out a thorough individual examination to determine whether third-party claims are justified or unjustified. The same applies if content could violate the applicable law of the Federal Republic of Germany according to the general legal perception. The customer is responsible for providing the necessary proof of the actual harmlessness of the content. Nevertheless, Crelorio e.U. reserves the right to accept the inclusion of such data or information in content should this appear questionable.
26.1.3 Claims by the authors shall be borne by the client.
26.2 Taxes and Fees
Crelorio e.U. is not responsible for any taxes or fees associated with any use of the Services, such as a website. The client enters into this obligation.
26.3 Lawful Use
(1) The services of Crelorio e.U. may only be used by the customer within the framework of the applicable laws. The transmission of any material that violates any law is prohibited. The client is responsible for the content of a website.
(2) The documents submitted by the customer will be processed by Crelorio e.U. not checked from a legal point of view. There is expressly no legal advice.
26.4 Description of services Concept creation, objection
26.4.1Crelorio e.U. Services include the development and establishment of websites for the customer to appear on the World Wide Web and other activities related to and supporting the creation of the website that have been agreed with the customer in the service description.
26.4.2 Crelorio e.U. creates a concept for this, which is based on the appearance and the overall impression of the company and which is presented to the customer for approval. The creation of the basic concept includes a basic layout and a navigation system. After acceptance by the customer, the website or website is created on the basis of the concept.
26.4.3 The customer has to participate in the creation of the concept to the extent that he has to provide the necessary information, images, texts and graphics, unless these are not provided by Crelorio e.U. be asked. The customer has Crelorio e.U. the data via Crelorio upload link or by e-mail in the Crelorio e.U. to make the required file format available.
26.4.4 Depending on the package, the scope of the website is limited to a certain number of pages in accordance with the customer information. The length and scope of the individual pages included in the offer correspond to a maximum length of 800 words with 6 images each. The special functions specified in the customer offer, for example on the homepage www.crelorio.com, also count as one page. If more than the specified content is included per page, Crelorio e.U. these special expenses with the customer according to actual expenses (after prior consultation).
26.4.5 The fee charged only includes the services agreed in the separate service description. All services and / or change requests that deviate from the service description will be invoiced separately (e.g. additional design or layout drafts that exceed the number of service descriptions, etc.). Does Crelorio e.U. already started with the provision of the web design service or this has been fully performed and if the customer objects to the design at this point in time, he is obliged to pay the costs incurred.
26.4.6 Services are to be understood as services such as the creation of designs, photos, videos, music, texts or general content or theme adjustments and are to be distinguished from support. In the support you will be answered general questions about your website and technical problems related to the functioning of the website will be analyzed. Depending on the effort or the cause of the problem, the working time will be charged separately if not covered by the scope of maintenance. After the implementation of new websites, the support also includes short training sessions. The package deals often include support for a certain initial period. This is used by the customer for queries when using the website for the first time.
26.4.7 All official offers can be found on the website www.crelorio.com or are made in writing by e-mail, whereby Crelorio e.U. reserves the right to withdraw offers at any time or to correct typographical errors or unwanted information on the website and offer them at a new price. Each new offer replaces an older dated offer.
26.5 Website Creation and Testing
26.5.1 The websites are created by Creloiro e.U. according to the wishes of the customer, which can be modified at any time during the contractual relationship with the possible corresponding surcharges. After termination of the contractual relationship through receipt of payment and handing over of the pages to the customer, we assume no guarantee for errors caused by intervention by the customer or the influence of third parties. Upon receipt of the homepage (e.g. on a data medium), the customer must ensure that the information provided by Crelorio e.U. manufactured pages work under the previously defined test conditions. Crelorio e.U. However, no guarantee is given for the completeness of the data and for the service being sufficient for a specific purpose pursued by the customer.
26.5.2 Crelorio e.U. checks the created websites exclusively for functionality and compliance with the service description, Crelorio e.U. does not check whether the material used is free of third-party rights.
26.6 Disk Space and Domain Names
26.6.1 Crelorio e.U. does not guarantee the availability of specific domain names and excludes liability for the temporary unavailability of the hosted domain. Crelorio e.U. is not liable for exceeding the traffic agreed with the hoster.
26.6.2 The customer assures that, to the best of his knowledge, no rights of third parties are violated by registering or connecting a domain name. The customer acknowledges that he alone is responsible for the choice of the domain name. The customer provides Crelorio e.U. from all demands and claims
26.7 Subject to change
Crelorio e.U. Reserved. Crelorio e.U. entitled, provided this is reasonable for the client. The archiving of data, interim results, etc. is the responsibility of the client.
26.8 Transfer of data to the server
26.8.1 Crelorio e.U. is liable, if commissioned, to ensure that the customer's data is properly transferred to the server of our hosting partner. The customer must convince himself of this after completing the order.
26.8.2 Crelorio e.U. excluded. If the customer already has storage space and/or online access from another provider before the start of the contract, he alone is obliged to check whether the corresponding use (e.g. for commercial activities) is legal with the respective provider. Crelorio e.U. cannot be held responsible for unauthorized use. Crelorio e.U. works exclusively with the hosting partners of Crelorio e.U. together. In exceptional cases, Wordpress orders can be accepted on other servers, whereby a change of hosting provider must always be obtained. Various orders of this type must be recorded contractually or in writing by e-mail.
26.9 Website maintenance
26.9.1 If the customer enters into a maintenance contract/support contract with a suitability test with Crelorio e.U. completed, Crelorio e.U. responsible for updating the customer's pages in the appropriate periods and eliminating any malfunctions. During the contract period, the customer is responsible for ensuring that no changes are made by third parties to the pages listed in the maintenance contract.
26.9.2 Conditions and services for maintenance contracts are agreed individually in a separate maintenance contract.
26.10 Acceptance and Withdrawal
26.10.1 With the written approval or by confirming the electronic Crelorio release form by e-mail, the concept is accepted by the customer. Crelorio e.U. is entitled to present parts of the website to the customer for partial acceptance. This can also be done by sending a link that shows the status. The customer is obliged to accept the website if the website corresponds to the contractual service description.
26.10.2 In the absence of written approval or a release form, acceptance will take place automatically after 14 days.
26.10.3 If the customer withdraws from the contract or if the customer does not accept the completed website, he is in default of acceptance. In the event of default in acceptance, Crelorio e.U. entitled to insist on the fulfillment of the contract or to demand compensation for damages due to non-fulfilment. Crelorio e.U. Claim 75% of the purchase price on which the order is based from the customer. This does not affect the customer's right to request Crelorio e.U. to prove less damage.
26.10.4 Terminations by the client can only be made for good cause.
26.10.5 In the event of force majeure, the customer cannot claim damage caused by delay or compensation for non-performance, but agrees on a sufficient grace period.
26.11 Contract Duration
The contract period is that defined by the customer and Crelorio e.U. agreed term of the contract.
26.12 Search Engines
26.12.1 Crelorio e.U. offers with certain packages the registration of the Internet pages in the corresponding search engine and web catalogues. A guarantee from Crelorio e.U. with regard to the inclusion, the positioning and the time of the inclusion of the Internet presence in the search engines cannot be accepted.
26.12.2 The operator of the respective search engine alone decides on a recording, the positioning and the time of the recording. The inclusion of editorially managed search services can take up to 14 weeks. The payment of the remuneration remains unaffected.
26.12.3 As search engines do not automatically include all websites, successful submission of the website to every search engine contacted is not guaranteed. The provisions of the terms of use of the individual search engines apply here. Permanent inclusion in the respective search engine cannot be guaranteed either.
26.12.4 The customer is aware that with every registration in a search engine, he enters into an individual contractual relationship with the respective operator of the search engine. The customer authorizes Crelorio e.U. to conclude this contractual relationship for the customer.
26.13 Uploading Content to the Internet
26.13.1 Crelorio e.U. submits the content to the customer for acceptance, only after acceptance and consent is the content made publicly available on the Internet. The copyright responsibility for the content created and published on behalf of the customer is the sole responsibility of the client. The customer provides Crelorio e.U. for claims against third parties.
26.14 Viruses / Hackers
26.14.1 Crelorio e.U. checks the data handed over to the customer for viruses, the greatest possible care is taken in doing so, but the customer is always responsible for his own and prior checking and data backup on his data carriers.
26.14.2 Any liability is excluded for a virus attack on data carriers, computers, etc. of the customer or third parties, in particular any damage and consequential damage that may arise as a result.
26.14.3 Crelorio e.U. cannot accept liability for hacker attacks and damage. The work is carried out to the best of our conscience, but it is impossible to fundamentally rule out attacks from outside. The client is informed about this and provides Crelorio e.U. free to that effect.
26.15 Receiving and sending emails
The customer agrees that Crelorio e.U. and its cooperation partners, to his email address, for information to a reasonable extent. To distinguish such emails, they are marked in a suitable way.
26.16 Technical Advice
Technical advice is only given if a maintenance package has been purchased or the customer has just purchased a new website and is still in the initial support phase of the flat-rate packages. Crelorio e.U. reserves the right to charge for any other consultation. Technical advice and support takes place via video chat, telephone or email
26.17 Privacy policy
26.17.1 Crelorio e.U. points out that according to the BDSG, personal data is stored as part of the execution of the contract and, if necessary, passed on to cooperation partners, vicarious agents and service providers of Crelorio e.U. be forwarded to the extent necessary. Crelorio e.U. is entitled to permanently store data relevant to billing.
26.17.2 The customer is aware that it is generally possible for all participants in the transmission path of the Internet to gain knowledge of data being transmitted without authorization. The customer accepts this risk.
26.18 Disclaimer
26.18.1 Crelorio e.U. is only liable for damage caused by gross negligence and willful intent by Crelorio e.U., its legal representatives or one of its vicarious agents, unless it concerns guaranteed properties. plus typical damage.
26.18.2 Crelorio e.U. not responsible for the correct functioning of infrastructures or transmission paths of the Internet, which are not the responsibility of Crelorio e.U. lay. Crelorio e.U. assumes no liability for disruptions to the internet, failure of technical systems and damage caused by third parties. Warranty and liability claims due to defective performance must be asserted within six months of acceptance of the contractual performance. Crelorio e.U. is liable for indirect and consequential damages. only in the case of intent and gross negligence. Any further liability is not accepted. In the event of changes, e.g. to a website, by the customer or third parties, all warranty and liability claims expire.
26.18.3 Crelorio e.U. does not guarantee that the server is suitable or permanently available for a specific service or for a specific software.
26.18.4 Crelorio e.U. assumes no liability for damage or consequential damage that is or was caused directly or indirectly by data transfer. Liability and claims for damages are limited to the amount of the order value. Crelorio e.U. assumes no liability if faulty work results are further processed (e.g. reproduction, printing, duplication), even if the client demands compensation from a third party.
26.18.5 A resale made by Creloiro e.U. services rendered, without the prior consent of Crelorio e.U. not permitted, this also applies to partial services.
26.19 Formats
26.19.1 Deliveries of files to Crelorio e.U. must be delivered in the following formats: image files in .jpg, .png (for transparent images) or high-resolution; Vectorized logo (.svg); Text files in .doc or .txt; sound files in .mp3; movie files in .avi; Animations in .fla. In these formats, Creloiro e.U. the files as deliveries within the meaning of the products with customer deliveries. The usual, current versions are meant.
26.19.2 Crelorio e.U. no obligation to accept. The delivery of this quality by the customer is a prerequisite for the due date of the delivery by Crelorio e.U.
26.19.3 Deliveries by the customer in print media are made by Crelorio e.U. only scanned up to a maximum of A4; a larger area cannot be processed. The client is aware that this can result in quality losses.
26.20 Programming
The services offered by Crelorio e.U. are implemented depending on the project with the program from WordPress and Elementor as well as with the help of various web design tools such as Gimp, Inkscape, and other graphics and programming tools. Customer acknowledges and agrees that the benefits relate to what these programs can do. Further services are not part of a contract.
26.21 Legal Notice and Privacy Policy
26.21.1 Crelorio e.U. integrates legally relevant information such as imprint and data protection on the customer's website. The imprint contains the name, address, office numbers and the person responsible for the content of the client. In addition, Crelorio e.U. authorized to insert your own contact details.
26.21.2 The client is obliged to deliver or check the content in a legally secure form, if necessary. to update legally and in terms of content and provides Crelorio e.U. free from liability.
26.22 Translations
Any translation services are provided by Crelorio e.U. basically outsourced. In this respect, Crelorio e.U. only as an intermediary. The client is informed about this and agrees to it. The client provides Crelorio e.U. from liability for this service.
26.23 Customer Compliance
26.23.1 The customer supports Crelorio e.U. in the fulfillment of their contractually owed services. This includes in particular the timely provision of information regarding access to the customer server (hosting access data, FTP access data, passwords for third-party providers such as Google etc.), delivery of data material regarding texts, images, music and texts to be used on the website Video files as well as hardware and software, insofar as the customer's cooperation services require this. The customer will Crelorio e.U. with regard to any of Crelorio e.U. provide detailed instructions on the services to be provided.
26.23.2 The customer shall provide the required number of its own employees to carry out the contractual relationship, who have the necessary specialist knowledge to the extent that the products require this.
26.23.3 If the customer has committed to Crelorio e.U. to procure materials (images, sound, text, etc.) as part of the execution of the contract, the customer must make these available immediately upon request and in a common, directly usable, digital format via a Crelorio upload link.
26.23.4 If the material provided by the customer has to be converted into another format, the customer shall bear the costs incurred for this. The customer ensures that Crelorio e.U. obtains the rights necessary to use these materials.
26.23.5 The customer carries out cooperative actions at his own expense. If the customer does not provide all the data and documents required to complete the website within 6 weeks after the order has been placed or if the customer does not fulfill his obligation to accept the works created within this period, Crelorio e.U. entitled to bill the order in full so that planned capacities are no longer tied up. Crelorio e.U. guarantees the customer in this case that the order will be completed within 12 months of the order being placed. If the customer has not provided complete data 12 months after placing the order or delays acceptance of the website, the order from Crelorio e.U. as fulfilled.
26.24 Scope of Services, Correction Loops & Additional Expense
As part of package deals, Crelorio e.U. a mature design draft for the customer (incl. draft for the start page and an exemplary subpage) including two correction loops (first correction loop for changes to the design and layout, second correction loop for content change requests). Any additional designs will be billed separately. If the order involves work that is not included in the scope of services of the booked order, e.g. B. by expanding the page size or desired special functions, these will be billed separately. The sending of the customer's data by e-mail and the acceptance and implementation of the work by Crelorio e.U.
26.25 Miscellaneous (e-mail backups, temporary failure when moving domains, content management, compatibility, search engine placement, data protection notice, CMS and framework used)
26.25.1 The customer is responsible for creating a backup of his email inboxes, especially if the domain is moved to another provider. Crelorio e.U. points out that emails can be lost when a domain is transferred if they are not physically stored on the customer's hardware.
26.25.2 When the domain is moved, the website may be temporarily down for a few hours or a few days. Liability claims against Crelorio e.U. due to failures of the website or connected systems due to a relocation-related or technical failure (at the provider or through hacker attacks from outside) cannot be asserted.
26.25.3 By paying on the website, the customer confirms that Crelorio e.U. Once the payment has been made, the customer accepts the work without further claims for free correction loops or rework.
26.25.4 Crelorio e.U. creates websites compatible with modern web browsers, including Safari, Chrome, Opera, Firefox, MS Edge
26.25.5 In the case of a one-off search engine optimization, no Google rankings are guaranteed, since even one-time algorithm changes by the search engines can seriously change the factors for a placement and the website must be adjusted.
26.25.6 We would like to point out that in the course of the new General Data Protection Regulation GDPR, you must provide and integrate a data protection declaration and a complete imprint on your website. Furthermore, according to the BGH ruling, an extended cookie banner with active suppression of third-party cookies must be offered until the visitor has given his or her active consent. The GDPR service from Crelorio e.U. does not replace legal advice. This shows points of the website relevant to data protection and gives recommendations for action. Legal certainty can and may only be guaranteed by a lawyer. For legal advice, we work together with partner law firms that can provide you with the best possible support for all questions. If legal advice is booked as well, this will be outsourced and charged separately
26.25.7 Crelorio e.U. creates websites with a combination of WordPress and Elementor. This enables our customers to make simple text and image changes themselves within the framework of the so-called "Builder" even without programming knowledge. This modular structure within the framework of a drag and drop system already contains design templates within a layout and template library, which should enable the customer to independently expand the website. Crelorio e.U. creates each website either according to an individual design template confirmed by the customer or manually by hand based on the customer's wishes within the system described. This requires that, in addition to individual, creative and programming work steps, the underlying tool set with the corresponding Elementor builder blocks is also used. Complete template designs from Crelorio e.U. used to complete the website.
27. Special Terms and Conditions - Employment Agency (NetwÖrks)
27.1 Scope
NetwÖrks was launched in April 2023, refers to the job placement service of Crelorio e.U. and is therefore a subgroup of Crelorio e.U. All contracts regarding NetwÖrks are concluded with Crelorio e.U. closed. In point 27, Crelorio e.U. referred to as networks. NetwÖrks provides personnel services and places qualified specialists and executives on behalf of a company looking for personnel (hereinafter: customer). Contracts between NetwÖrks and the customer result from the written acceptance of the offer by the customer. NetwÖrks reserves the right to reject orders without justification.
These general terms and conditions (hereinafter GTC) apply to all orders during the entire term of the business relationship between the customer and NetwÖrks, without the need for renewed reference to the GTC. Deviating provisions in the order agreements made with the customer (hereinafter referred to as “contract”) shall take precedence. Deviations from these conditions are only valid if they have been agreed in writing. If individual points of the general terms and conditions are contractually changed, the other points of the general terms and conditions remain unaffected and remain valid. Changes to the General Terms and Conditions become legally valid for all current and future business relationships between the customer and NetwÖrks at the beginning of the month following the corresponding information to the customer, provided NetwÖrks does not receive a written objection from the customer within 14 days.
27.2 Services provided by NetwÖrks
NetwÖrks supports the customer in filling positions for specialists and executives (hereinafter: "candidates") and recruits suitable candidates for this purpose who correspond to the jointly determined requirement profile. NetwÖrks provides the customer with selected applicant profiles that best match the criteria specified by the customer. Furthermore, NetwÖrks will inform the customer about the salary expectations and the time availability of the candidate and give a subjective assessment of the personality of the candidate. If desired, certificates and/or references of the candidates can also be added. NetwÖrks assumes no responsibility for the correctness of the information stored in the candidate profiles.
27.3 Customer Performance or Obligations
The customer will provide NetwÖrks with all information/documents that are necessary for successfully filling the customer vacancies, in particular such information that NetwÖrks may disclose to the candidate in the process (e.g. PR/media kit, job descriptions, budgets/salary levels , employer portraits etc.). Likewise, the customer will inform NetwÖrks of all points that may under no circumstances be disclosed. The customer informs NetwÖrks about the companies affiliated with him, whose employees may not be proposed as candidates. The customer will provide NetwÖrks with qualified feedback on the proposed candidate profiles within 3 working days. The customer is responsible for the final examination and suitability of the candidates, in particular the examination of references, certificates and other qualifications. If the customer is already aware of an applicant presented, he must report this immediately and NetwÖrks will not provide any further services with regard to this candidate, except at the express request of the customer. If a vacancy has been filled or eliminated through other sources, the customer is obliged to report this to NetwÖrks within 3 working days. In the case of a successful placement, the customer will inform NetwÖrks without delay as soon as a proposed candidate signs a service or employment contract with the customer. He will provide NetwÖrks with all relevant documents by e-mail for the calculation of the amount of the fee claim. The customer shall inform NetwÖrks immediately in writing of changes to the company name, legal form, address and invoicing.
27.3.1 Contact person and data protection: The customer guarantees that his employees as contact persons have been informed by NetwÖrks about the NetwÖrks data protection declaration and agree to the processing of their personal data for the purpose of fulfilling the contract with NetwÖrks (job placement). The customer shall indemnify and hold NetwÖrks harmless in this regard.
27.3.2 Use as a reference: NetwÖrks may use the customer's name and logo as a reference.
27.4 Confidentiality
According to the Federal Data Protection Act and contractually, NetwÖrks is committed to data secrecy and thus to secrecy. A transfer of customer-related data and information does not take place unless necessary and agreed to fulfill your order. NetwÖrks guarantees its customers absolute confidentiality. Information that one contracting party learns or takes note of from the other in the context of or in connection with the implementation of this contract must be kept confidential towards third parties. This obligation does not end with the termination of the contract. The customer undertakes towards NetwÖrks and in the interest of the candidate to treat the provided candidate profiles confidentially. The customer assures that the profiles and documents provided to him will not be passed on or made accessible to third parties or employees of the customer who are not involved in the contractual services. Direct contact with the applicants presented by NetwÖrks and their references may only be made after prior approval by NetwÖrks. The customer will fully indemnify NetwÖrks from any claims and demands of the candidates or third parties that arise or are asserted against NetwÖrks in connection with any violations of data protection regulations by the customer.
27.5 Fees
In the event of a successful placement of an applicant presented by NetwÖrks, the customer undertakes to pay the remuneration agreed in the individual contract. All fees are payable plus statutory VAT. The fee claim arises as soon as a candidate is hired by the customer within 12 months of being presented by NetwÖrks by means of a service or employment contract and is due immediately upon conclusion of the contract between customer and candidate. This entitlement also remains if the contract between the customer and NetwÖrks is terminated in the meantime. NetwÖrks' fee claim arises equally if a service or employment contract has been concluded for a position other than the one commissioned. In this case, twice the monthly salary of the position occupied by the candidate applies as the fee. The travel costs incurred by the candidates in the course of the placement will be borne accordingly by the customer. For this purpose, the customer will inform NetwÖrks at the beginning of the cooperation about the applicable travel expense agreement for applicants. If another recruiter or a personnel consultancy proposes the same candidate to the customer as NetwÖrks, the service provider who verifiably first approached the candidate about the customer will receive a fee claim.
27.6 Warranty
In the event that the employee recommended by NetwÖrks terminates the employment relationship within the agreed guarantee period of one year from the date of employment, the search procedure will be repeated once if the client sends a written order by email for a new search. In this case, only a gross monthly salary for the position to be filled will be charged as a fee. If, as a result of reasons in the sphere of the client or the client, in particular due to
a structural change in the client’s company,
an internal filling of the position advertised via NetwÖrks,
an unclear decision-making authority in the internal relationship of the client,
If a commissioned position cannot be successfully filled or if the employment relationship is terminated within the first three months, the contract is deemed to have been fulfilled by NetwÖrks and the client is liable to NetwÖrks for the interest in fulfillment or the client bears the price risk. In such a case, the NetwÖrks guarantee is expressly excluded.
27.7 Acceptance and Withdrawal
27.7.1 The assignment is considered fulfilled if the candidate has survived a probationary period of 3 months and does not leave the company.
27.7.2 In the event of force majeure, the customer cannot demand any damage caused by delay or compensation for non-performance, but agrees on a sufficient period of grace.
27.7.3 In the event of force majeure, the customer cannot claim damage caused by delay or compensation for non-performance, but agrees on a sufficient grace period.
27.8 paymentTerms of Payment
The invoices are due for payment promptly without deduction. The same applies to any external costs and advance payments, e.g. travel expenses. In the case of quota orders, 50% of the total order amount is due for payment no later than four weeks after the order has been placed. The remaining amount will be invoiced after each event. Unless otherwise agreed, a gross monthly salary for the position to be filled is due immediately after the order has been placed. The remainder will be billed after the candidate's 3-month notice period has passed.
27.9 Safeguards
All results of the selection process remain the property of NetwÖrks and are to be treated as strictly confidential, returned to NetwÖrks if not used and may under no circumstances be passed on to third parties.
If a candidate presented by NetwÖrks is employed within 12 months either directly by the client, in an affiliated company, or as a freelancer, NetwÖrks is entitled to the agreed fee; such circumstances must be reported immediately in writing.
NetwÖrks assumes no guarantee or liability for the information provided on the applicant's documents (including the available documents, certificates, etc.), in particular not for their correctness, topicality, completeness, quality and/or usability.
27.9.1 Limitation of Liability and Warranties NetwÖrks
Both parties are only liable for intent and gross negligence on the part of their own employees. NetwÖrks assumes no liability and/or guarantee for the legal or factual possibility of the candidate working for the customer, in particular, but not exclusively, with regard to any notice periods or non-competition clauses from previous employment relationships or activities of the candidate with or for third parties. The same applies to any liability for fault on the part of the applicant in the context of his future work for the customer.
27.10 Candidates or Applicants
The following general terms and conditions regulate the contractual or contractual relationship between you as an applicant or a candidate actively proposed by NetwÖrks to another company (hereinafter referred to as "applicant", you, you or similar) and our company, Creloiro e.U. based in 7301 Deutschkreutz at Schlossgasse 55 (hereinafter referred to as "recruitment agency" or "headhunter", "us", "we" or similar), who will work for you as a recruitment agency or headhunter.
Our placement activity, advice and the use of our online offer is COMPLETELY FREE for you as an applicant. You give us a free order to mediate as an applicant within the meaning of § 662 BGB.
Of course, we are also sales and profit-oriented. However, we do not receive our placement commission, contributions or other costs from you, but from your future employer and only issue a cost, commission or contribution calculation to companies that use our services and/or our job advertisement portal for publications.
27.10.1 Completeness, Authenticity, Truthful Information
By submitting and/or uploading your application documents, photos or other data (hereinafter referred to as "application documents"), you declare that all of the information given in such documents is true and complete and that all certificates and references submitted are genuine
27.10.2 Request for placement to an employer free of charge
The services we provide as a recruiter are not to be understood as a guarantee of a successful placement, a specific place of work, desired working hours, earnings or the duration of an employment relationship. As an applicant, you are free to decide whether you enter into an employment contract (hereinafter referred to as “employment contract”) with a potential employer or decide against one. The contract negotiations with the potential employer are your sole responsibility as an applicant. Of course we will support you during the negotiations and share our market assessments with you. However, as a recruiter, we do not provide you with contractual, legal or tax advice. We recommend that you consult a licensed lawyer or a specialist lawyer for employment law in order to have contractual clauses checked and/or to negotiate.
You only give us the free order to compare our orders with your documents and, if there is a suitable position, to inform you about your options and, if necessary, to introduce you and place you, or use our services or the online offer as part of the recruitment order .
27.10.3 Not a party to the employment contract
As a recruiter, we do not become a party to the employment contract concluded between you and your new employer. The conclusion of an employment contract is solely the responsibility of the respective contracting parties (you and your future employer). We are not liable for or in connection with the conclusion of the employment contract between you and your future employer.
27.10.4 Privacy Network
We take data protection very seriously and treat all information related to recruitment (in particular your application documents) confidentially and will process it in accordance with applicable data protection law. We only process your documents for the purpose of recruiting, in particular to offer you vacancies or positions, but also to place them again at a future point in time, and to operate our applications and online offers.
You commission us to process and store your personal data for the duration of this contractual relationship.
Our transparency document with the information according to Art. 13 and 14 DS-GVO is available on our website. Our data protection officer will be happy to answer any further questions about data protection on request.
27.10.5 Granting of copyrights to application documents and photos
The creation of your application documents gives you copyright rights of use, ancillary protection, personal rights or other rights.
If the human resources department of a potential employer forwards your application documents to the relevant specialist department, for example by e-mail, your application will be duplicated in a way that is relevant under copyright law.
For this reason, you grant us a free, non-exclusive and transferrable right to use all submitted works (application photo, application documents, etc.) for comprehensive and worldwide use without restrictions in terms of time, content or location
Sie räumen uns insbesondere das Online- und Abrufrecht ein. Hierbei handelt es sich um das Recht, Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen mittels digitaler oder anderweitiger Speicher und Übertragungstechnik zur Verfügung zu stellen.
You also grant us the database and telecommunications rights. This is the right to save the application documents, excerpts or elements in electronic databases and to feed them into data networks.
You also grant us the right of reproduction and distribution. This means the right to reproduce and distribute the application documents as desired within the scope of the types of use granted - including on data carriers other than those originally used.
27.10.6 Reference Disclosures
You authorize and authorize us to obtain references from your past or present employers as we deem necessary. You also allow us to grant this right to potential employers.
27.10.7 Transfer of personal information to prospective employers
You instruct us to pass on your personal data to potential employers for assessment and evaluation. In particular, you instruct us to disclose your personal data (e.g. CVs, certificates, notice periods, salary expectations and/or similar information) to potential employers, to transmit them to them and/or to make them accessible in another way. The transmission or disclosure will only take place after we have made a pre-selection and checked whether you are fundamentally suitable for the position to be filled.
27.10.8 Submissions by Employers to the Recruiter
You give us the order, after the conclusion of an employment contract with your new employer, to query or request all data and documents from your new employer that are necessary for the issuance of our cost, commission or contribution calculations (e.g. date of conclusion or termination). of the employment contract, annual income including all special payments, bonuses, commissions, benefits in kind, employment contracts, wage and salary statements, etc.) and hereby expressly release your employer from all non-disclosure or other contractual or legal confidentiality obligations as well as from data protection with regard to such data required by us . This also applies if employment is based on a fee or other employment, for example as a freelancer, freelancer or consultant
If an employment contract does not materialize with a proposed employer, allow them to inform us of the non-materialization and the reasons for this. You also allow us to ask employers to destroy your application documents for reasons of data protection or to hand them over to you or to us.
27.10.9 Contract Duration
This contract is concluded for an indefinite period and can be terminated by either party at any time without observing a notice period. Termination has no effect on granted copyrights. We delete all data in our system as soon as you have given notice of termination.
28. Privacy
The employees of Crelorio e.U. are subject to the confidentiality obligations of the Data Protection Act.
28.1 The customer gives his express consent to his personal data being stored and processed by automated means in order to fulfill his contractual obligations.
28.2 Crelorio e.U. undertakes and its employees to comply with the provisions of the Data Protection Act. Both contracting parties undertake to maintain secrecy towards third parties about the content of the contractual agreement and all internal information and data of the other contracting party that become known to them in the course of the cooperation. This also applies indefinitely for the time after the end of the contractual relationship.
28.3 After completing the order, Crelorio e.U. entitled to publish the contractual work in whole or in part for advertising purposes, unless otherwise contractually agreed
The customer acknowledges that the use of the customer data specified in the contract will be stored and processed for the purposes of our accounting and customer records. The data is used to comply with legal regulations and to process payment transactions. Customer data will not be passed on to third parties unless this is absolutely necessary for the execution of the contract. Contract partner of Crelorio e.U. have been instructed about these data protection regulations and are obliged accordingly.
In the case of mailings about services and products from Crelorio e.U. (Events, publications...) of any kind, § 107 TKG (Telecommunications Act) applies.
The advertising on this website is provided by another company. Our advertising partner will serve ads that it believes will be of interest to you based on data about your visit to this and other websites (this data is anonymous in that it does not include your name, address, email address or phone number) . For this purpose, the advertising partner may have to place a cookie (a small text file) on your computer. For more information about this type of behavioral marketing, about cookies and how to turn off these features, visit www.youronlinechoices.eu
29. Intellectual Property Rights
29.1 The customer keeps Crelorio e.U. with regard to all third-party claims arising from patent or other property right infringements by components, assemblies or other goods or services that are not provided by Crelorio e.U. were developed, always completely harmless and without complaint.
29.2 Die anwendungstechnische Beratung in Wort und Schrift ist unverbindlich, auch in Bezug auf etwaige Schutzrechte Dritter, und befreit den Kunden nicht von der eigenen Prüfungspflicht der Lieferungen auf deren Eignung für die beabsichtigten Verfahren und Zwecke.
30. Protection of Developments
30.1 The rights to source codes as well as calculation and modeling methods that have been developed for project processing remain with Crelorio e.U.
30.2 Any use (in particular processing, execution, duplication, distribution, public presentation, making available) of the documents or parts thereof is only permitted with the express consent of Crelorio e.U. allowed. All documents may therefore only be used for the purposes expressly specified when the order was placed or by a subsequent agreement.
30.3 Crelorio e.U. is entitled, the client is obliged, to use the name (company, business name) of Crelorio e.U. in publications and announcements about the project. to specify.
30.4 In the event of violation of these provisions for the protection of development, Crelorio e.U. Claim for a penalty in the amount of twice the appropriate fee for unauthorized use, whereby the assertion of a claim for damages that goes beyond this remains reserved. This penalty is not subject to judicial mitigation. The burden of proof that the customer does not have the documents of Crelorio e.U. used is the responsibility of the customer.
31. Jurisdiction and Applicable Law
Austrian law applies to the contractual relationship.
31.1 The court with subject matter jurisdiction for A-7301 Deutschkreutz is agreed as the place of jurisdiction for merchants or legal entities. For all others, the place of jurisdiction is based on the statutory provisions
31.2 Creloiro e.U. however, has the optional right to prosecute the customer before the possible and permissible places of jurisdiction for him.
31.3 All contractual relationships or other legal relationships between Crelorio e.U. and the customer, only substantive and formal Austrian law applies, with the express exclusion of the UN Sales Convention (CISG) and the reference standards of the IPRG.
31.4 This choice of law and jurisdiction agreement applies only insofar as there are no mandatory provisions to the contrary.
32. Dispute Resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find here http://ec.europa.eu/odr. Consumers have the opportunity to use this platform to settle their disputes.
33. Cancellation, Right of Withdrawal and Withdrawal
33.1 Cancellation
If the customer withdraws from the contract for a reason that does not already entitle him to withdraw from the contract under the law, Crelorio e.U. entitled to either insist on fulfillment or demand a cancellation fee of 25% of the agreed price. Crelorio e.U. Reserved
33.2 Right of Withdrawal and Right of Withdrawal
Customers who are consumers within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act may withdraw from the purchase within 14 days of accepting the goods without giving reasons. It is sufficient if the cancellation notice is sent within this period without stating reasons (to be sent to the email address: email@crelorio.com).
Consequences of revocation
If you revoke this contract, Crelorio e.U. You all payments that Crelorio e.U. received from you, including the delivery costs (with the exception of the additional costs resulting from the fact that you have chosen a different type of delivery than the cheapest standard delivery offered by us), to be repaid immediately and at the latest within fourteen days from the day on which the notification of your revocation of this contract at Crelorio e.U. has been received. For this repayment, Crelorio e.U. the same means of payment that you used for the original transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise with you; under no circumstances will you be charged fees for this repayment.
If you have requested that the service should begin during the cancellation period, you have informed Crelorio e.U. To pay a reasonable amount that corresponds to the proportion of the services already provided up to the point in time at which you inform me of the exercise of the right of withdrawal with regard to this contract in comparison to the total scope of the service provided for in the contract.
33.3 This right of withdrawal is expressly excluded:
when ordering audio or video recordings (CD, DVD, etc.), software, hygiene products (sex toys, etc.) as well as articles or files offered for download. Delivered items are also excluded if they have been unsealed by the consumer or removed from the original packaging.
An unseal occurs when the item is physically separated from the customary packaging, any sealing film is removed from the product itself, audio or video recordings or software are played on playback devices for the first time because there is no packaging or seal, software is installed because there is no seal, or anything else Actions are taken that are equivalent to an unseal described here.
All other items that have been used, worn, washed or damaged, as well as perishable goods are also excluded from the right of withdrawal.
33.4 In the event of withdrawal, the purchase price will only be refunded concurrently with the return of the goods received from the customer. Both the return of the goods and the reimbursement of the purchase price have been made within 14 days with a declaration of withdrawal or return of the goods. The condition for this is that the goods are unused and can be resold as new. Crelorio e.U. not.
The customer is expressly obliged to bear the costs and shipping expenses associated with returning the goods. The return of unordered goods or replacement deliveries is always accepted free of charge.
Return address:
Crelorio e.U.
Schlossgasse 55
A – 7301 Deutschkreutz
Crelorio e.U. is expressly entitled, in the event that the customer withdraws from the amount to be refunded, to deduct the direct costs of the return shipment, an appropriate payment for the use, including compensation for a reduction in the general value of the service resulting from the use, and to transfer only the difference .
Inquiries, information, data information and complaints should be directed to Crelorio e.U. between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. T: +43 670 2063969
34. Final Provision
34.1 If individual provisions of this contract are ineffective or lose their effectiveness due to a circumstance that occurs later, the validity of the rest of the contract remains unaffected. An ineffective provision is to be replaced by an effective one that comes as close as possible to the economic purpose of the wording in question.
34.2 The same applies to any gaps in the contract.
© 2023 Crelorio e.U.
All rights reserved