Women of the future

Women of the future

Due to the fact that more and more women are in leadership positions and in reality men in various leadership positions these days only have to be good rhetoricians and in some cases can also be counted among women, it is definitely appropriate to think about the future.

So will we all look more like spiders or praying mantises in terms of anatomy in the future? Wait, does this have anything to do with the church? What is your opinion on this? I don't want to go into the mating behavior of some arachnids and praying mantises in particular now, as that would go beyond the time frame and this is a science in itself.

Body hackers could definitely achieve a lot in this area in the future. How will the market suddenly change? I can already hear the illegal hackers in hoods and Guy Fox masks at the flea market shouting: “You broke a spider leg? No problem, we will grow a new one for you for 50,000 Bitcons. If you buy today, we will use your DNA to grow a free heart and lungs for you at a special price!” On the other side of the street at the market, the following sentences can be heard: “Drops for night vision eyes! Drops for night vision eyes! You no longer need an expensive night vision device! Only $3,000 today! The best promotional price!” Elsewhere on the sales street, wings for flying are only available for 300,000 dollars instead of 310,000 dollars, gills for breathing underwater are available for an unbeatable 200,000 euros, new IQ pills from the high pharmaceutical industry, with a guaranteed IQ increase of 26 points and more Last but not least, penis extensions are also sold for 30 euros.

Have you heard these prices? Now I understand why women of the future really want to be managers and earn so much money. I also now understand why men no longer need so much money. Especially since long penises are available for 30 euros, you no longer necessarily have to pursue a career in the financial world and have a big wallet with smaller equipment. This is really a bargain! I'll buy two of them!

So could some women in the future have three breasts instead of just two and will they also be able to fly?
Will the people currently favored by the media as beautiful and who all look the same, European Asians so to speak, suddenly no longer be at the top of the beauty ladder? Will exceptionally looking people, who also have an evolutionary advantage due to DNA developments and mutations, suddenly be able to climb the career ladder more easily because these people will then be viewed as beautiful?

What will the beauty ideal of the future look like? Historically, we as humans have already experienced an enormous number of changes. Hollywood actors are excluded from this because they looked the same in all eras.

From chubby women who are considered wealthy, to women with large breasts who are supposed to be better mothers and are therefore preferred for starting families, or today, emaciated, tall models with small breasts who can squeeze into small and tight clothes. However, due to the current environmental impact, one has to admit that these models are theoretically worthy of praise these days, considering that raw material extraction and production can cause a lot of damage, depending on the size of the clothing.

Raw materials take the pole position when it comes to well-known war issues. Fortunately, we have good international logistics these days and can therefore consume enough intentionally manipulated food from various nations every day. With these many different products you can cook wonderful delicacies.

As a man in the 21st century, I consider myself lucky that I can cook and have learned to wash and iron my laundry. Especially since I won't be able to afford clothes in the future, I have of course also learned the fine art of sewing. Furthermore, I read a number of Kama Sutra, Tantra and other books dealing with sexual practices for my mistress, and I voluntarily watched all the porn films on the Internet so that I could be a good lover. Of course, I also looked into how to build a house, studied various materials and materials science and looked into water resources and resources on the planet. Due to the fact that the women will “bring home” the money, i.e. we as men theoretically let them bring food for us like the lions in a pride, we then have time to comfortably build the house or explore a cave. Or we simply colonize a 35m2 Apartment as this has become the new trend. In any case, women will collect the money, just like they used to collect fruits and nuts in the forest.

Wait a moment! Didn't we want to talk about the future and progress?

All in all, we may have a raw materials problem in the future. So will wars be fought again? After all, there are tons of technicians and biomedical scientists who develop firearms, military vehicles and biological weapons. In order for these women to continue to earn a lot of money, the items produced have to be used somewhere. Sounds logical, doesn't it?

I can already see it coming...

The USA has started building the wall. The economy is collapsing due to excessive bureaucratic jobs. You keep hearing from politicians: “We want to be the largest economic and military power, we make America great again!” Everyone has weapons at home, which should be tested from time to time. A bomb here… a shot there… A massacre at its best… All ego-shouters are rubbish against it… Everything degenerates into a huge war on the American continent… For the first time in history, Europe is not being used as a chessboard between West and East… etc.

Our intelligent women leaders have of course prepared themselves. Women have positioned themselves well and settled into politics and in powerful, determining positions. It is nothing new, as the Vikings and other Nordic peoples already practiced it, but it is a goal of the modern-thinking and emancipated woman.

Women are currently being specifically promoted in men's jobs. Of course, this has not only resulted in many women as construction workers in bridges and track construction, building construction, mechanical engineering, or foresters and real lumberjack ladies, trucker bunnies as freight forwarders, etc. No, many women were also specifically trained as police officers and recruited by the armed forces.

I can already see the enlightenment:

The USA will be finished and Marshal will only exist as an amplifier and not as an emergency package. But before that, Europeans carry out a one-off liberation campaign.

Double D-Day will be the largest liberation campaign with operated, busty and sometimes even three-breasted women that will go down in history.

As a reminder, the French will decide to equip the Statue of Liberty with three additional breasts as a viewing platform. Two large breasts are attached to the front and, thanks to Bodyhacker, one breast to the back so that you can still see in all directions from a floor below.

This time the French will sign a contract with the USA so that in return for the liberation campaign, all Europeans can visit the Statue of Liberty for free and do not have to book an expensive group tour 6 months in advance and then accidentally find out while standing in front of the statue on the USA trip that they don't have a ticket for the viewing in such a short time and have to stay downstairs, even though they more or less sponsored this statue.

But unfortunately, as in all situations, there will also be a negative side. A heavy loss will be recorded. In earlier times, more men died in wars than women. Although we are currently fairly balanced globally in the battle of the sexes in terms of the proportion of women and men on planet Earth, the number of women will decrease again.

Instead of taking a step into the future, in which every man can finally have a wife with less effort, men will then have to fight for women again as in the past and fight each other.

Does everything really have to be so complicated?

I miss women who can cook well, smell wonderful even without perfume, are happy about flowers, like to laugh, have not mutated into under-fucked bitch robots because of career lust, are good mothers, are well-read and know about medicine and herbs.

Dear God, who often plays bowling in the fall and waters plants at unusual times in April or drinks a lot of beer and often has to urinate: Please let brains rain from heaven and give women more heart again! Of course I don't mean that literally, because I definitely didn't mean that with bloody organs falling from the sky and infecting people, body hacking, unknown emerging viruses, bacteria and mutations that trigger zombie apocalypses!


Due to the fact that more and more women are in leadership positions and in reality men in various leadership positions these days only have to be good rhetoricians and in some cases can also be counted among women, it is definitely appropriate to think about the future.

So will we all look more like spiders or praying mantises in terms of anatomy in the future? Wait, does this have anything to do with the church? What is your opinion on this? I don't want to go into the mating behavior of some arachnids and praying mantises in particular now, as that would go beyond the time frame and this is a science in itself.

Body hackers could definitely achieve a lot in this area in the future. How will the market suddenly change? I can already hear the illegal hackers in hoods and Guy Fox masks at the flea market shouting: “You broke a spider leg? No problem, we will grow a new one for you for 50,000 Bitcons. If you buy today, we will use your DNA to grow a free heart and lungs for you at a special price!” On the other side of the street at the market, the following sentences can be heard: “Drops for night vision eyes! Drops for night vision eyes! You no longer need an expensive night vision device! Only $3,000 today! The best promotional price!” Elsewhere on the sales street, wings for flying are only available for 300,000 dollars instead of 310,000 dollars, gills for breathing underwater are available for an unbeatable 200,000 euros, new IQ pills from the high pharmaceutical industry, with a guaranteed IQ increase of 26 points and more Last but not least, penis extensions are also sold for 30 euros.

Have you heard these prices? Now I understand why women of the future really want to be managers and earn so much money. I also now understand why men no longer need so much money. Especially since long penises are available for 30 euros, you no longer necessarily have to pursue a career in the financial world and have a big wallet with smaller equipment. This is really a bargain! I'll buy two of them!

So could some women in the future have three breasts instead of just two and will they also be able to fly?
Will the people currently favored by the media as beautiful and who all look the same, European Asians so to speak, suddenly no longer be at the top of the beauty ladder? Will exceptionally looking people, who also have an evolutionary advantage due to DNA developments and mutations, suddenly be able to climb the career ladder more easily because these people will then be viewed as beautiful?

What will the beauty ideal of the future look like? Historically, we as humans have already experienced an enormous number of changes. Hollywood actors are excluded from this because they looked the same in all eras.

From chubby women who are considered wealthy, to women with large breasts who are supposed to be better mothers and are therefore preferred for starting families, or today, emaciated, tall models with small breasts who can squeeze into small and tight clothes. However, due to the current environmental impact, one has to admit that these models are theoretically worthy of praise these days, considering that raw material extraction and production can cause a lot of damage, depending on the size of the clothing.

Raw materials take the pole position when it comes to well-known war issues. Fortunately, we have good international logistics these days and can therefore consume enough intentionally manipulated food from various nations every day. With these many different products you can cook wonderful delicacies.

As a man in the 21st century, I consider myself lucky that I can cook and have learned to wash and iron my laundry. Especially since I won't be able to afford clothes in the future, I have of course also learned the fine art of sewing. Furthermore, I read a number of Kama Sutra, Tantra and other books dealing with sexual practices for my mistress, and I voluntarily watched all the porn films on the Internet so that I could be a good lover. Of course, I also looked into how to build a house, studied various materials and materials science and looked into water resources and resources on the planet. Due to the fact that the women will “bring home” the money, i.e. we as men theoretically let them bring food for us like the lions in a pride, we then have time to comfortably build the house or explore a cave. Or we simply colonize a 35m2 Apartment as this has become the new trend. In any case, women will collect the money, just like they used to collect fruits and nuts in the forest.

Wait a moment! Didn't we want to talk about the future and progress?

All in all, we may have a raw materials problem in the future. So will wars be fought again? After all, there are tons of technicians and biomedical scientists who develop firearms, military vehicles and biological weapons. In order for these women to continue to earn a lot of money, the items produced have to be used somewhere. Sounds logical, doesn't it?

I can already see it coming...

The USA has started building the wall. The economy is collapsing due to excessive bureaucratic jobs. You keep hearing from politicians: “We want to be the largest economic and military power, we make America great again!” Everyone has weapons at home, which should be tested from time to time. A bomb here… a shot there… A massacre at its best… All ego-shouters are rubbish against it… Everything degenerates into a huge war on the American continent… For the first time in history, Europe is not being used as a chessboard between West and East… etc.

Our intelligent women leaders have of course prepared themselves. Women have positioned themselves well and settled into politics and in powerful, determining positions. It is nothing new, as the Vikings and other Nordic peoples already practiced it, but it is a goal of the modern-thinking and emancipated woman.

Women are currently being specifically promoted in men's jobs. Of course, this has not only resulted in many women as construction workers in bridges and track construction, building construction, mechanical engineering, or foresters and real lumberjack ladies, trucker bunnies as freight forwarders, etc. No, many women were also specifically trained as police officers and recruited by the armed forces.

I can already see the enlightenment:

The USA will be finished and Marshal will only exist as an amplifier and not as an emergency package. But before that, Europeans carry out a one-off liberation campaign.

Double D-Day will be the largest liberation campaign with operated, busty and sometimes even three-breasted women that will go down in history.

As a reminder, the French will decide to equip the Statue of Liberty with three additional breasts as a viewing platform. Two large breasts are attached to the front and, thanks to Bodyhacker, one breast to the back so that you can still see in all directions from a floor below.

This time the French will sign a contract with the USA so that in return for the liberation campaign, all Europeans can visit the Statue of Liberty for free and do not have to book an expensive group tour 6 months in advance and then accidentally find out while standing in front of the statue on the USA trip that they don't have a ticket for the viewing in such a short time and have to stay downstairs, even though they more or less sponsored this statue.

But unfortunately, as in all situations, there will also be a negative side. A heavy loss will be recorded. In earlier times, more men died in wars than women. Although we are currently fairly balanced globally in the battle of the sexes in terms of the proportion of women and men on planet Earth, the number of women will decrease again.

Instead of taking a step into the future, in which every man can finally have a wife with less effort, men will then have to fight for women again as in the past and fight each other.

Does everything really have to be so complicated?

I miss women who can cook well, smell wonderful even without perfume, are happy about flowers, like to laugh, have not mutated into under-fucked bitch robots because of career lust, are good mothers, are well-read and know about medicine and herbs.

Dear God, who often plays bowling in the fall and waters plants at unusual times in April or drinks a lot of beer and often has to urinate: Please let brains rain from heaven and give women more heart again! Of course I don't mean that literally, because I definitely didn't mean that with bloody organs falling from the sky and infecting people, body hacking, unknown emerging viruses, bacteria and mutations that trigger zombie apocalypses!


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