Management Meeting


Management meeting December 31, 1998 with:

CEO, COO, HR, Area Manager1 +2 +3 +4…, Key account Manager 1 +2 +3 +4 +5…, Personal recruiter 1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9…, Investor 1 +2 +3 + Bank manager, IT-Manager 1 +2 +3 +4 +5, Political member 1 +2 +3 +8, Real estate broker, cafeteria manager, company doctor and a Ron (engineer + physics working student)

HR:   “We have two employees in our whole company. We are producing food products and I promise you, I could find the best people for this job. Our recruiting robot picked out following members:
1.) DDr. Mag. Mag. Sarah Spider MA
2.) Mr. John Smith: very attractive man with good name, his last job was taxi driver and before he worked for the army
But we got a big problem. They don’t wanna go to work. Let’s make a new, better strategy to manage them!”

CEO:   “We can give them better payment”

Political member1:   “But only with higher taxes!”

Bank manager:   “OK, let’s produce some more money”

IT- Manager:   “We have no employees to produce money. But we can generate some virtual money. I would need also more employees to use better spying software. Then we can control their cash account”

Area Manager 1:   “It’s a good Idea.”
Area Manager 2:   “Mhm”
Area Manager 3:   “I like it.”
Area Manager 4:   “No, no,… ok… yeah, yeah yeah… great!”

Key account M. 1:   “…”
Key account M. 2:   “?…”
Key account M. 3:   “…”
Key account M. 4: “I will bring some coffee.”
Key account M. 5: “It’s already 2 o’clock pm, I have to go to my office.”

Investor 1: “We can give them own products for free to motivate them.”

Real estate broker: “That’s the best Idea of our meeting today. Then they will have more money put aside for higher rental fees”
Investor 2: “Do you all have good insurances? My husband is insurance manager.”
Investor 3: “I like this company, what are you talking about?”

Political member 2:
Political member 3:
Political member 8: “Ron, you’re an engineer. You’re an intelligent young man. Do you have a solution for this problem?”

Ron: “My personal psychologist says I should take my pills if I have problems.”
Cafeteria Manager: “That’s a good idea. I can get some drugs and put it into the meal. I promise the employees will work like robots”

Ron: “Are you talking about mind control?”

Cafeteria Manager: “No, no,… the blue and the yellow pill… and Ms. Violet. I like her most. Every day in the morning I take Ms. Violet. With her I can see everything clear. The red broccoli, the blue tomatoes,… Even I can see in the darkness. Ms. Violet is my newest invention. I’m a Bodyhacker!”

Company doctor: “No, no, no! Stop it! Own products and drugs? We can’t kill our own employees, we have only two of them. And for my statistic I have to do a better job. My actual rate is not the best. Healed patients: 18 – death people through pharma products: 247

HR: “My e-mail account says after tomorrow we will have only one… Sorry, but DDDr. Mag. Mag. Sarah Spider MA will no longer work for us. She enrolled at University of Leoben in Austria to start her new Master

Personal recruiter 1: “Sorry, we have no new employees for you. They are sold out.”
Personal recruiter 2: “Sorry, we have no new employees for you. They are sold out.”
Personal recruiter 3: “Sorry, we have no new employees for you. They are sold out.”
Personal recruiter 4: “Sorry, we have no new employees for you. They are sold out.”
Personal recruiter 5: “Sorry, we have no new employees for you. They are sold out.”
Personal recruiter 6: “Sorry, we have no new employees for you. They are sold out.”
Personal recruiter 7: “With a new technology we try to train monkeys doing good jobs, are you interested in monkeys?”
Personal recruiter 8: “Sorry, we have no new employees for you. They are sold out.”
Personal recruiter 9: “Sorry, we have no new employees for you. They are sold out.”

COO: “Let’s call Mr. John Smith. We have to produce some more robots!”

One day later, 9 o’clock pm.
Physics student Ron meets his friend, who’s priest in a bar.

Ron: “Yesterday, I joined a management meeting in a company. They were talking all about money and employees and some kind of boring stuff. I’m afraid the polarity reversal and strong solar flare will come soon. My calculation says in the next 20 years and I’m a better physicist then DDr. Mag. Twostein cause I believe in my theories”

Priest: “Ron, do you believe in Aliens or do you believe in God? I don’t believe in Aliens and the Mars missions. I never visited the universe. I believe God will send us all a message.

Ron: “I know,… the comet will come first… I need my psychologist”

Priest: “You mean Lana? She’s a really excellent problem solver.”

Ron: “Who’s Lana? No, I mean Mrs. Iknowyou. She never had a good solution for me, but she always has the best answers to my questions. I will call her…”

Ron is calling his psychologist, who has a husband and two children.

Mrs. Iknowyou: “Three hole bitch Lana here, what can I do for you, you sexy?”

Ron: “Hello…? Mrs. Iknowyou…?”

Mrs. Iknowyou: “Ron? I told you not to call me in the evening!!! Take your pills! You can visit me tomorrow in the morning and I can give you new pills!”

Management meeting December 31, 1998 with:

CEO, COO, HR, Area Manager1 +2 +3 +4…, Key account Manager 1 +2 +3 +4 +5…, Personal recruiter 1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9…, Investor 1 +2 +3 + Bank manager, IT-Manager 1 +2 +3 +4 +5, Political member 1 +2 +3 +8, Real estate broker, cafeteria manager, company doctor and a Ron (engineer + physics working student)

HR:   “We have two employees in our whole company. We are producing food products and I promise you, I could find the best people for this job. Our recruiting robot picked out following members:
1.) DDr. Mag. Mag. Sarah Spider MA
2.) Mr. John Smith: very attractive man with good name, his last job was taxi driver and before he worked for the army
But we got a big problem. They don’t wanna go to work. Let’s make a new, better strategy to manage them!”

CEO:   “We can give them better payment”

Political member1:   “But only with higher taxes!”

Bank manager:   “OK, let’s produce some more money”

IT- Manager:   “We have no employees to produce money. But we can generate some virtual money. I would need also more employees to use better spying software. Then we can control their cash account”

Area Manager 1:   “It’s a good Idea.”
Area Manager 2:   “Mhm”
Area Manager 3:   “I like it.”
Area Manager 4:   “No, no,… ok… yeah, yeah yeah… great!”

Key account M. 1:   “…”
Key account M. 2:   “?…”
Key account M. 3:   “…”
Key account M. 4: “I will bring some coffee.”
Key account M. 5: “It’s already 2 o’clock pm, I have to go to my office.”

Investor 1: “We can give them own products for free to motivate them.”

Real estate broker: “That’s the best Idea of our meeting today. Then they will have more money put aside for higher rental fees”
Investor 2: “Do you all have good insurances? My husband is insurance manager.”
Investor 3: “I like this company, what are you talking about?”

Political member 2:
Political member 3:
Political member 8: “Ron, you’re an engineer. You’re an intelligent young man. Do you have a solution for this problem?”

Ron: “My personal psychologist says I should take my pills if I have problems.”
Cafeteria Manager: “That’s a good idea. I can get some drugs and put it into the meal. I promise the employees will work like robots”

Ron: “Are you talking about mind control?”

Cafeteria Manager: “No, no,… the blue and the yellow pill… and Ms. Violet. I like her most. Every day in the morning I take Ms. Violet. With her I can see everything clear. The red broccoli, the blue tomatoes,… Even I can see in the darkness. Ms. Violet is my newest invention. I’m a Bodyhacker!”

Company doctor: “No, no, no! Stop it! Own products and drugs? We can’t kill our own employees, we have only two of them. And for my statistic I have to do a better job. My actual rate is not the best. Healed patients: 18 – death people through pharma products: 247

HR: “My e-mail account says after tomorrow we will have only one… Sorry, but DDDr. Mag. Mag. Sarah Spider MA will no longer work for us. She enrolled at University of Leoben in Austria to start her new Master

Personal recruiter 1: “Sorry, we have no new employees for you. They are sold out.”
Personal recruiter 2: “Sorry, we have no new employees for you. They are sold out.”
Personal recruiter 3: “Sorry, we have no new employees for you. They are sold out.”
Personal recruiter 4: “Sorry, we have no new employees for you. They are sold out.”
Personal recruiter 5: “Sorry, we have no new employees for you. They are sold out.”
Personal recruiter 6: “Sorry, we have no new employees for you. They are sold out.”
Personal recruiter 7: “With a new technology we try to train monkeys doing good jobs, are you interested in monkeys?”
Personal recruiter 8: “Sorry, we have no new employees for you. They are sold out.”
Personal recruiter 9: “Sorry, we have no new employees for you. They are sold out.”

COO: “Let’s call Mr. John Smith. We have to produce some more robots!”

One day later, 9 o’clock pm.
Physics student Ron meets his friend, who’s priest in a bar.

Ron: “Yesterday, I joined a management meeting in a company. They were talking all about money and employees and some kind of boring stuff. I’m afraid the polarity reversal and strong solar flare will come soon. My calculation says in the next 20 years and I’m a better physicist then DDr. Mag. Twostein cause I believe in my theories”

Priest: “Ron, do you believe in Aliens or do you believe in God? I don’t believe in Aliens and the Mars missions. I never visited the universe. I believe God will send us all a message.

Ron: “I know,… the comet will come first… I need my psychologist”

Priest: “You mean Lana? She’s a really excellent problem solver.”

Ron: “Who’s Lana? No, I mean Mrs. Iknowyou. She never had a good solution for me, but she always has the best answers to my questions. I will call her…”

Ron is calling his psychologist, who has a husband and two children.

Mrs. Iknowyou: “Three hole bitch Lana here, what can I do for you, you sexy?”

Ron: “Hello…? Mrs. Iknowyou…?”

Mrs. Iknowyou: “Ron? I told you not to call me in the evening!!! Take your pills! You can visit me tomorrow in the morning and I can give you new pills!”

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