Neo Club of Poets

Neo Club of Poets

You are born to exchange and trade,
it is by no means just a club for seniors,
there are those who buy and those who sell,
but no one will help them and they will quickly get lost.

That's why we always write and invent with understanding,
and hold together what has always connected us.

Scream and whisper, take and give,
Anyone who has seen through everything understands our curse and also our blessing.

We always decide with heart and mind,
Because both are important, we have correctly recognized that.

Individual atoms, bacteria and viruses,
in all living beings, i.e. people and also in animals,
influence and direct the mind,
who shows us the direction.

Through earth, water, air, fire and iron,
it is only strengthened by all our travels.

Left and right, up and down,
the sun rises and sets again.
Universe ∞ or not,
a glass is half full and half empty at the same time.

We use the space but above all the time,
Because if you move quickly, no distance is too far.

So many have tried but could never achieve it,
what we have achieved together, neither the poor nor the rich.

If we are robbed of time, we will take it back,
one will forgive it, because life and death are misfortune and happiness.

We only write to those who deserve to read,
what we hide in our minds and beings.

You are born to exchange and trade,
it is by no means just a club for seniors,
there are those who buy and those who sell,
but no one will help them and they will quickly get lost.

That's why we always write and invent with understanding,
and hold together what has always connected us.

Scream and whisper, take and give,
Anyone who has seen through everything understands our curse and also our blessing.

We always decide with heart and mind,
Because both are important, we have correctly recognized that.

Individual atoms, bacteria and viruses,
in all living beings, i.e. people and also in animals,
influence and direct the mind,
who shows us the direction.

Through earth, water, air, fire and iron,
it is only strengthened by all our travels.

Left and right, up and down,
the sun rises and sets again.
Universe ∞ or not,
a glass is half full and half empty at the same time.

We use the space but above all the time,
Because if you move quickly, no distance is too far.

So many have tried but could never achieve it,
what we have achieved together, neither the poor nor the rich.

If we are robbed of time, we will take it back,
one will forgive it, because life and death are misfortune and happiness.

We only write to those who deserve to read,
what we hide in our minds and beings.

© Crelorio 29.12.2017

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