Doomsday theories and Noah 4.0


Currently you can observe history that happened in Europe and the East decades or centuries ago in America. The arms race with walls continues: Chinese Wall, Berlin Wall, walls in Russia, walls in Jewish ghettos, etc.

Today the Americans are building walls to Mexico, the economy is collapsing because everyone just wants to sit in offices and it is more important to spend a whole day dealing with a programmed piece of software that is supposed to work than, for example, organic food for this time to produce for personal use.

Is Elon Musk Noah 4.0?

Let's think about it... He was born in Africa... There are a relatively large number of wild animals in Africa. Some time ago he entered into collaborations with industrial powers, including Google and Co, and started building electric cars. Although this stimulated the economy, the environmental impact has not really changed due to production and material or raw material extraction. Especially since electric cars can now get rid of politicians and high-ranking managers more easily than before with autopilot and good hackers, it still makes sense to produce them. In the past, these gentlemen had to be poisoned or drugged at great expense, or even more laboriously, car brakes had to be manipulated so that they could die unnoticed in a traffic accident. In addition, if the cars are still roadworthy due to the quality “Made in USA”, comparable to “Made in Germany 1887”, the cars will be more environmentally friendly than combustion engines after 120,000 kilometers have been driven. This means that Mr. Musk can clear his conscience or at least partially sleep peacefully after releasing tons of CO with dozens of rockets in another company called “Space X”.2 into the atmosphere, creating space debris and furiously drilling holes in the ozone layer. Due to the tax savings, I would of course also drive an electric car at the moment if there wasn't such a doom and gloom atmosphere and there wasn't the uncertainty that the battery would suddenly fail, start to burn or a hacker would simply deactivate my car. Why aren't electric cars used in national defense? The military generally works with diesel engines, at least in the area of cars. Hasn't it always been the case that completely new developments were first tested or used by the military and then decades later produced and made available to the "OTTO engine regular gasoline consumer"? So what's with all these rockets from NASA and Elon Musk or Space X? Ladies and gentlemen, it is obvious.

NASA employees and other research institutions have been dealing with all sorts of doomsday scenarios for a long time.

Currently you can observe history that happened in Europe and the East decades or centuries ago in America. The arms race with walls continues: Chinese Wall, Berlin Wall, walls in Russia, walls in Jewish ghettos, etc.

Today the Americans are building walls to Mexico, the economy is collapsing because everyone just wants to sit in offices and it is more important to spend a whole day dealing with a programmed piece of software that is supposed to work than, for example, organic food for this time to produce for personal use.

Is Elon Musk Noah 4.0?

Let's think about it... He was born in Africa... There are a relatively large number of wild animals in Africa. Some time ago he entered into collaborations with industrial powers, including Google and Co, and started building electric cars. Although this stimulated the economy, the environmental impact has not really changed due to production and material or raw material extraction. Especially since electric cars can now get rid of politicians and high-ranking managers more easily than before with autopilot and good hackers, it still makes sense to produce them. In the past, these gentlemen had to be poisoned or drugged at great expense, or even more laboriously, car brakes had to be manipulated so that they could die unnoticed in a traffic accident. In addition, if the cars are still roadworthy due to the quality “Made in USA”, comparable to “Made in Germany 1887”, the cars will be more environmentally friendly than combustion engines after 120,000 kilometers have been driven. This means that Mr. Musk can clear his conscience or at least partially sleep peacefully after releasing tons of CO with dozens of rockets in another company called “Space X”.2 into the atmosphere, creating space debris and furiously drilling holes in the ozone layer. Due to the tax savings, I would of course also drive an electric car at the moment if there wasn't such a doom and gloom atmosphere and there wasn't the uncertainty that the battery would suddenly fail, start to burn or a hacker would simply deactivate my car. Why aren't electric cars used in national defense? The military generally works with diesel engines, at least in the area of cars. Hasn't it always been the case that completely new developments were first tested or used by the military and then decades later produced and made available to the "OTTO engine regular gasoline consumer"? So what's with all these rockets from NASA and Elon Musk or Space X? Ladies and gentlemen, it is obvious.

NASA employees and other research institutions have been dealing with all sorts of doomsday scenarios for a long time.

  • Long overdue pole shift
  • Solar flare that sends high levels of radiation onto the planet and thus more or less chars everything or paralyzes all electronic systems
  • Supernova
  • Or is the sun simply devouring our planet? We first observed this phenomenon on the planet Venus. Wait a moment! We are currently escaping to Mars, which is further away from the sun than our planet. The Earth, in turn, is further away from the Sun like the planet Venus. Are we all former Venusians? That would explain why the woman's mons pubis is one of my favorite objects to look at, and why Venus as a goddess fascinates me.
  • Impact of a meteorite that has been observed by NASA and ESA for decades and is on the blacklist. The trajectory could change completely unexpectedly despite intelligent mathematicians and physicists.
  • A new ice age due to climate change
  • A nuclear war or use of biological weapons
  • Vegetarians and vegans suddenly realize that they need meat to live but don't want to eat animals and start slaughtering and eating people. Quite conceivable given the rapid growth of vegans and vegetarians. Because vegetarian and vegan nutrition is a “completely new invention”. “No one has ever tried that before.” “Neither the Indians, the Asians or all the Buddhists, nor the Greek athletes.” “None of these nations started consuming meat at some point.” Nooooooo….
    Admittedly, I have to admit that I just made this scenario up, but it is entirely possible.
  • Aliens are attacking our planet and exterminating all living things
  • The krakens and octopuses from the world's oceans are conquering the planet as new species, much faster than predicted by paleontologists and other scientists, and wiping out humanity.
  • A zombie apocalypse caused by biomedical scientists unwillingly allowing a virus to escape from research facilities is destroying humanity.
  • Illuminati and Asian monks begin to do magic, make stones float using sound waves and levitation (of course with the help of beetles or insects that already helped build the pyramids in Egypt) and drop them on cities, causing many people to die.
  • Long overdue pole shift
  • Solar flare that sends high levels of radiation onto the planet and thus more or less chars everything or paralyzes all electronic systems
  • Supernova
  • Or is the sun simply devouring our planet? We first observed this phenomenon on the planet Venus. Wait a moment! We are currently escaping to Mars, which is further away from the sun than our planet. The Earth, in turn, is further away from the Sun like the planet Venus. Are we all former Venusians? That would explain why the woman's mons pubis is one of my favorite objects to look at, and why Venus as a goddess fascinates me.
  • Impact of a meteorite that has been observed by NASA and ESA for decades and is on the blacklist. The trajectory could change completely unexpectedly despite intelligent mathematicians and physicists.
  • A new ice age due to climate change
  • A nuclear war or use of biological weapons
  • Vegetarians and vegans suddenly realize that they need meat to live but don't want to eat animals and start slaughtering and eating people. Quite conceivable given the rapid growth of vegans and vegetarians. Because vegetarian and vegan nutrition is a “completely new invention”. “No one has ever tried that before.” “Neither the Indians, the Asians or all the Buddhists, nor the Greek athletes.” “None of these nations started consuming meat at some point.” Nooooooo….
    Admittedly, I have to admit that I just made this scenario up, but it is entirely possible.
  • Aliens are attacking our planet and exterminating all living things
  • The krakens and octopuses from the world's oceans are conquering the planet as new species, much faster than predicted by paleontologists and other scientists, and wiping out humanity.
  • A zombie apocalypse caused by biomedical scientists unwillingly allowing a virus to escape from research facilities is destroying humanity.
  • Illuminati and Asian monks begin to do magic, make stones float using sound waves and levitation (of course with the help of beetles or insects that already helped build the pyramids in Egypt) and drop them on cities, causing many people to die.

…and so on and so on…

But ladies and gentlemen, I can reassure you!

First of all, according to Hollywood films, all of these scenarios only ever happen in New York or somewhere in the American desert. So we in Central Europe have absolutely nothing to fear!

Secondly, you simply have to follow Elon Musk in the media. As soon as there are near his new projects: space shuttles and rockets or spaceships... you see where this is going... so near his ships, many animals gather, especially if each type of animal is exactly two arrive in front of his ships, then you can assume that the apocalypse has begun.

Nevertheless, the end is inevitable and has already been prophesied in the Bible and other writings. In the end, only as many people will survive as can fit under a tree.

These people may be on the 188th generation ISS station on day X.

…and so on and so on…

But ladies and gentlemen, I can reassure you!

First of all, according to Hollywood films, all of these scenarios only ever happen in New York or somewhere in the American desert. So we in Central Europe have absolutely nothing to fear!

Secondly, you simply have to follow Elon Musk in the media. As soon as there are near his new projects: space shuttles and rockets or spaceships... you see where this is going... so near his ships, many animals gather, especially if each type of animal is exactly two arrive in front of his ships, then you can assume that the apocalypse has begun.

Nevertheless, the end is inevitable and has already been prophesied in the Bible and other writings. In the end, only as many people will survive as can fit under a tree.

These people may be on the 188th generation ISS station on day X.

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