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Art and philosophy

Art and philosophy





I feel honored to be able to live on our planet at this time in the universe. At this point I would like to politely apologize to all activists for designing and creating art with the earth's resources.

If you believe in the latest religions, the universe is expanding at the speed of light while we live in parallel universes. If there were a reason not to live to this extent, then the human species would not exist.

Revolution is a faithful companion of evolution and sometimes an act of destruction is necessary for something new to emerge. You can observe this every year through the four seasons.

So let us hear, see and feel this visible and invisible universe together, with its diverse emotions and faces, inspired by the energy that surrounds us, from different, individual perspectives.





I feel honored to be able to live on our planet at this time in the universe. At this point I would like to politely apologize to all activists for designing and creating art with the earth's resources.

If you believe in the latest religions, the universe is expanding at the speed of light while we live in parallel universes. If there were a reason not to live to this extent, then the human species would not exist.

Revolution is a faithful companion of evolution and sometimes an act of destruction is necessary for something new to emerge. You can observe this every year through the four seasons.

So let us hear, see and feel this visible and invisible universe together, with its diverse emotions and faces, inspired by the energy that surrounds us, from different, individual perspectives.

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