Federal Chancellor


Dear Mr. Federal Chancellor,

Since I don't understand the current political situation in Austria at all at the moment, but I've admittedly never looked into it in detail, I would like to know whether the following would be possible.

Could the law mentioned in the following letter be ratified in Austria?

Cut all politicians' salaries by at least 50%. The government revenue gained could be used to create projects for a better living situation in Austria. It is already being demonstrated in other countries: greening all tall buildings and columns in cities. (The current situation of architects is a catastrophe in Austria: 35m2 and expensive apartments, with inferior, health-endangering materials and bad air in cities) Furthermore, an Austrian startup, whatever it is called, should finally be supported to implement a new system in Austrian hospitals. e.g. in combination with calendar apps to improve waiting times and the risk of infection in hospital waiting rooms.

Is there a reason why all government members in their positions currently have no professional experience at all? Can a lawyer defend the country in an emergency? Please don't misunderstand me, I am by no means a patriot. I even find it outrageous that border controls have now been reintroduced, especially since I was born in Deutschkreutz and Sopron is also my hometown. The state borders were only introduced to satisfy the rulers. Personally, it doesn't really matter to me which country I belong to. The living space is always important. A habitat is a radius of approx. 200-250 km; this distance can be reached quickly by car. With the new taxi drones, this theoretical radius could possibly be expanded in 500 years. Is it really necessary that around 75% of all industrial companies in Austria waste their capacity in the automotive sector?  

Since I am currently considering taking advantage of the system and enrolling in a course of study due to the poorly paid technician positions in industry, I would like to politely inquire again whether a law could be passed that regulates the following:

“Every newly enrolled student must plant a tree in any Austrian city.”  

(You develop new drives for cars and as a technician you won't be able to drive them for another 20 years because that's when you'll be able to afford them at the earliest. If you're still alive due to treatments in the medical sector that are working worse and worse, so far only few people have private health insurance can afford and the doctors still don't treat you better or differently. Only in very special cases, for example if your name is Sebastian Kurz, you might get special treatment. Until then you are polluting the air with an old diesel engine for city people, cyclists and animals; the Clearly, a new urea filter system cannot be afforded financially. Of course, there are already completely different technologies, but these mentioned will be pushed by industry and business in the future)   

In Parliament you will probably have time to read this message at some point.  

Thanks in advance.  


Roland Strobl (slave in the system)

Dear Mr. Federal Chancellor,

Since I don't understand the current political situation in Austria at all at the moment, but I've admittedly never looked into it in detail, I would like to know whether the following would be possible.

Could the law mentioned in the following letter be ratified in Austria?

Cut all politicians' salaries by at least 50%. The government revenue gained could be used to create projects for a better living situation in Austria. It is already being demonstrated in other countries: greening all tall buildings and columns in cities. (The current situation of architects is a catastrophe in Austria: 35m2 and expensive apartments, with inferior, health-endangering materials and bad air in cities) Furthermore, an Austrian startup, whatever it is called, should finally be supported to implement a new system in Austrian hospitals. e.g. in combination with calendar apps to improve waiting times and the risk of infection in hospital waiting rooms.

Is there a reason why all government members in their positions currently have no professional experience at all? Can a lawyer defend the country in an emergency? Please don't misunderstand me, I am by no means a patriot. I even find it outrageous that border controls have now been reintroduced, especially since I was born in Deutschkreutz and Sopron is also my hometown. The state borders were only introduced to satisfy the rulers. Personally, it doesn't really matter to me which country I belong to. The living space is always important. A habitat is a radius of approx. 200-250 km; this distance can be reached quickly by car. With the new taxi drones, this theoretical radius could possibly be expanded in 500 years. Is it really necessary that around 75% of all industrial companies in Austria waste their capacity in the automotive sector?  

Since I am currently considering taking advantage of the system and enrolling in a course of study due to the poorly paid technician positions in industry, I would like to politely inquire again whether a law could be passed that regulates the following:

“Every newly enrolled student must plant a tree in any Austrian city.”  

(You develop new drives for cars and as a technician you won't be able to drive them for another 20 years because that's when you'll be able to afford them at the earliest. If you're still alive due to treatments in the medical sector that are working worse and worse, so far only few people have private health insurance can afford and the doctors still don't treat you better or differently. Only in very special cases, for example if your name is Sebastian Kurz, you might get special treatment. Until then you are polluting the air with an old diesel engine for city people, cyclists and animals; the Clearly, a new urea filter system cannot be afforded financially. Of course, there are already completely different technologies, but these mentioned will be pushed by industry and business in the future)   

In Parliament you will probably have time to read this message at some point.  

Thanks in advance.  


Roland Strobl (slave in the system)

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