Frequently asked


Frequently Asked Questions

By service we mean services such as creating designs, photos, videos, music, texts or general content or theme adaptations.

Our support answers general questions about your homepage or WordPress as well as technical problems related to the functioning of the website.

Depending on the effort or the cause of the problem, the working time will be charged separately if it is not included in the scope of maintenance. After the implementation of new websites, support also includes short training sessions.

Please use the following FAQ page of our hosting partner. You will definitely find something here:

All our websites are protected with SiteLock. If you have any questions, feel free to use the SiteLock Help Center: SiteLock

Access your WP admin from the WordPress tile in your control panel. Alternatively, you can specify /wp-admin at the end of the URL, e.g. E.g.
The WordPress login screen opens.

Open the following link:

Now enter your e-mail address and the stored password. All email content can be connected to other devices via Exchange or IMAP. We would be happy to support you in implementing your IT infrastructure.

No, these types of changes or implementations are services and should be considered as a service. The hourly rate for various types of work of this kind is €110 plus VAT. If you have booked a maintenance package, the reduced hourly rate applies.

A website is like a house, sometimes a never-ending construction site. Many homepages are villas and therefore often high-maintenance, which is why each website is analyzed before editing. Depending on the complexity, individual offers are created and charged. The maintenance packages cover average WordPress websites or Woocommerce online shops.

In principle, the active websites are regularly checked and kept up to date. This automatically means that updates are installed at least once a month. Your website is also continuously monitored using uptime monitoring. In the event of conspicuous failure intervals, you will be informed immediately.

You can go back 14 days at any time, even if Backup & Restore has just been activated for your domain. In this case, a backup is created every day.
At special times it makes sense to create a permanent backup that will be saved. (For example after the completion of the new page) Once these backups are backed up, you can keep them indefinitely. However, you worry that the Internet is constantly changing and your backup may not be compatible with future software and code versions.

Please always back up your email account, e.g. with Outlook archives on your PC to avoid difficulties.

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